Consider the following expression.
expr = {a, {b1, b2}, {c, {d1, d2}}};
One can get the levels in an expression as follows:
SetAttributes[levels, {HoldAllComplete}];
levels[expr_] :=
Column @ Table[Level[expr, {level}, Heads -> True], {level, 0, Depth[expr]-1}];
But when I look at the TreeForm
of it expr
I don't see what I expected: the leaf count for this expression should be 10.
One can try to get the true level tree as follows:
Sequence @@ (expr\[UndirectedEdge]#& /@ {List, a, {b1, b2}, {c,{d1, d2}}}),
Sequence @@ (expr[[2]]\[UndirectedEdge]#& /@ {List2, b1, b2}),
Sequence @@ (expr[[3]]\[UndirectedEdge]#& /@ {List3, c, {d1, d2}}),
Sequence @@ (expr[[3,2]]\[UndirectedEdge]#& /@ {List4, d1, d2})
}, VertexLabels -> "Name"]
Is there a way to produce this graph for arbitrary expression?
Also, multiple vertices with the same name List
get joined so I have to rename them to List1
, List2
, ..., etc. Is there a way to fix this while keeping the layout of the graph?
asically, I want to display heads at the same level as their parts, which is their true position in the tree.