With the following code:
arc = Graphics[{Arrowheads[{0, 0.04}],
Table[{0.5 + 0.7 Re[Exp[I*g]], 0.5 + 0.7 Im[Exp[I*g]]}, {g,
Subdivide[0, Pi/2 - Pi/6, 100]}], Arrow[Range[101]]]}];
sensor = Graphics[
Circle[{0.5 + 1. Cos[Pi/3], 0.5 + 1. Sin[Pi/3]}, 0.03]];
sensorM =
Graphics[Style[Text["M" , {1, 1.47}], FontSize -> 18,
FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
Omega0 = Graphics[
"\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(\[CapitalOmega]\), \(0\)]\)" , {0.2,
1.27}], FontSize -> 20, FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
OmegaE = Graphics[
"\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(\[CapitalOmega]\), \(e\)]\)" , {0.8, \
-0.27}], FontSize -> 20, FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
theta = Graphics[
Style[Text["\[Theta]" , {1.2, 0.77}], FontSize -> 20,
FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
rpolar = Graphics[
Style[Text["r" , {0.85, 1.17}], FontSize -> 20,
FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
er = Graphics[
Arrow[{{0.5 + 1. Cos[Pi/3],
0.5 + 1. Sin[Pi/3]}, {0.5 + 1. Cos[Pi/3] + 0.3 Cos[Pi/3],
0.5 + 1. Sin[Pi/3] + 0.3 Sin[Pi/3]}}]];
etheta = Graphics[
Arrow[{{0.5 + 1. Cos[Pi/3],
0.5 + 1. Sin[Pi/3]}, {0.5 + 1. Cos[Pi/3] - 0.3 Sin[Pi/3],
0.5 + 1. Sin[Pi/3] + 0.3 Cos[Pi/3]}}]];
erUnit = Graphics[
Style[Text[Subscript[OverHat[e], r], {1.25, 1.55}], FontSize -> 20,
FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
erthetaUnit =
Graphics[Style[Text[Subscript[OverHat[e], \[Theta]], {0.75, 1.65}],
FontSize -> 20, FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
h = Graphics[
Line[{{{-1, 1/2}, {0, 0}, {-1, -1/2}}, {{0, 1/2}, {1,
0}, {0, -1/2}}, {{1, 1/2}, {2, 0}, {1, -1/2}}}]];
propVector =
Graphics[{Arrowheads[{{Automatic, Automatic, h}}],
Arrow[{{-1., 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5}}]}];
lines = Graphics[{Line[{{-0.8, 0.2}, {-0.8, 0.8}}],
Line[{{-0.75, 0.2}, {-0.75, 0.8}}]}];
pinc = Graphics[
Style[Text["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(p\), \(inc\)]\)", {-0.95, 0.75}],
FontSize -> 20, FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman"]];
Show[{Graphics[{Dotted, Circle[{0.5, 0.5}, 1]}],
Graphics[Circle[{0.5, 0.5}, 0.5]], arc, sensor, sensorM, Omega0,
OmegaE, theta, rpolar, er, etheta, erUnit, lines, propVector, pinc,
Graphics[{DotDashed, Arrowheads[0.04],
Arrow[{{0.5, 0.5}, {0.5 + 1. Cos[Pi/3], 0.5 + 1. Sin[Pi/3]}}]}]},
Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {0.5, 0.5},
AxesLabel -> {Style["x", FontSize -> 20,
FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman", FontColor -> Black],
Style["y", FontSize -> 20, FontFamily -> "Latin Modern Roman",
FontColor -> Black]}, AxesStyle -> Arrowheads[{0, 0.05}],
PlotRange -> All]
I produced the following image
Eventually, I will get rid of AxesTicks
, but I leave them for reference. I am puzzled how I can modify the Axes Range. For instance, the x-axis should range from -0.3 to 1.3 and similarly for the y-axis. The AxesLabel
should be moved accordingly but the rest of the figure should not be modified.
Thanks in advance!
PlotRange -> {{-.3, 1.3}, {-.3, 1.3}}
, and add the optionImagePadding -> Scaled[.1]
? $\endgroup$Scaled
to 0.15 we get the whole figure but minimized I have to addImageSize -> 400
to get a bigger Figure but I do not know if this is the proper technique. $\endgroup$