Use TranslationTransform
on data2
ListPlot[{TranslationTransform[{-1300, 0}]@data1, data2,
Thread[{{100, 200}, 300}], Thread[{{100, 200}, 900}]},
PlotRange -> {Automatic, {300, 900}}, ImageSize -> Large,
Joined -> {False, False, True, True},
PlotStyle -> Join[Directive /@Thread[{PointSize[Large], {Red, Blue}}],
{#, #} &@ Directive[Thick, CapForm["Butt"], White]],
AspectRatio -> Automatic, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {{"y", ""}, {"x", ""}},
FrameTicks -> {Automatic, {#,#}&@(Range[0, 300, 100] /. x : (200 | 300) -> {x, x + 1300})},
BaseStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSize -> 15, FontFamily -> "Calibri"},
Epilog -> {Dotted, Line@Thread[{{100, 200}, #}] & /@ {300, 900}},
Method -> {"FrameInFront" -> False}, PlotRangeClipping -> False]
Alternatively, you can remove Epilog
and add two more data sets in the first argument of ListPlot
and modify PlotStyle
pr = Round[PlotRange[ListPlot[#, PlotRange->{Automatic, {300, 900}}]], 50]&/@{data2, data1};
difs = -Subtract @@@ pr[[All, 1]];
gap = 50;
gapcoords = Thread[{{#, gap + #} &@pr[[1, 1, 2]], #}] & /@ pr[[1, 2]];
ticks = {## & @@ #, ## & @@
Thread[{{#[[2]] + gap, #[[2]] + gap + difs[[2]]}, pr[[2, 1]]}]} &@pr[[1, 1]];
trans = {-pr[[2, 1, 1]] + gap + pr[[1, 1, 2]], 0};
data2, ## & @@ gapcoords, ## & @@ gapcoords},
PlotRange -> {{0, Total[difs] + gap}, pr[[1, 2]]},
ImageSize -> Large, Joined -> {False, False, True, True, True, True},
PlotStyle -> Join[Directive /@ Thread[{PointSize[Large], {Red, Blue}}],
{#, #} & @ Directive[Thick, CapForm["Butt"], White],
{#, #} & @ Directive[Thin, Dotted, Black]], AspectRatio -> Automatic,
Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {{"y", ""}, {"x", ""}},
FrameTicks -> {Automatic, {ticks, ticks}},
BaseStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSize -> 15, FontFamily -> "Calibri"},
Method -> {"FrameInFront" -> False}, PlotRangeClipping -> False]
Update: An alternative approach using custom ScalingFunctions
ClearAll[sf, isf]
sf[t1_, t2_, gap_: 50][x_] := Piecewise[{{x, x <= t1},
{t1 + gap/(t2 - t1) (x - t1), t1 <= x <= t2}, {t1 + gap + (x - t2), x >= t2}}]
isf[t1_, t2_, gap_: 50][x_] := InverseFunction[sf[t1, t2, gap]][x]
pr = Round[PlotRange[ListPlot[#, PlotRange->{Automatic, {300, 900}}]], 50]&/@{data2, data1};
ticks = Join @@ pr[[All, 1]];
gapcoords = Thread[{{pr[[1, 1, 2]], pr[[2, 1, 1]]}, #}] & /@ pr[[1, 2]];
Row[With[{g = #}, ListPlot[{data1, data2, ## & @@ gapcoords, ## & @@ gapcoords},
Joined -> {False, False, True, True, True, True},
PlotStyle -> Join[Directive /@ Thread[{PointSize[Large], {Red, Blue}}],
{#, #} & @ Directive[Thick, CapForm["Butt"], White],
{#, #} & @ Directive[Thin, Dotted, Black]],
Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {Automatic, {ticks, ticks}},
AspectRatio -> Automatic,
PlotRange -> {MinMax@pr[[All, 1]], pr[[1, 2]]},
ScalingFunctions -> {{sf[pr[[1, 1, 2]], pr[[2, 1, 1]], g][#] &,
isf[pr[[1, 1, 2]], pr[[2, 1, 1]], g][#] &}, "Linear"},
ImageSize -> Large,
BaseStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSize -> 15, FontFamily -> "Calibri"},
PlotRangeClipping -> False,
Method -> {"FrameInFront" -> False}]] & /@ {30, 90}, Spacer[20]]
AspectRatio -> 3