
Lets say I create a giant list:


Now I want to take 10 random sublists of length 150000:

rand = RandomInteger[{1, 600000000 - 149999}, 10];
First@AbsoluteTiming@Map[Take[tmp, {#, # + 149999}] &, rand]

this works fine and is speedy. However if I want to extract a 100 sublists of 150000 I get:

rand = RandomInteger[{1, 600000000 - 149999}, 100];
First@AbsoluteTiming@Map[Take[tmp, {#, # + 149999}] &, rand]

An increase of several orders of magnitude in time! If I use Do[] instead of Map[] I can speed it up substantially:

foo = Table[{}, 100];
   Do[foo[[i]]=Take[tmp, {rand[[i]], rand[[i]] + 149999}], {i, 1, 100}]

Does anyone know what could be causing this?




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