I have two close curves in space defined by $g$ and $h$ with:
Px[t_, A_, p_] := ((\[Pi] - t) t (p \[Pi] (\[Pi] - 2 t)^2 + 16 A (\[Pi] - t) t))/\[Pi]^4
X[t_, a_, px_] := If[t <= \[Pi], Px[t, a, px], -Px[t - \[Pi], a, px]]
Py[t_, A_, \[Epsilon]_] := ((\[Pi] - 2 t) (256 A (\[Pi] - t)^2 t^2 (9 \[Pi]^2 - 16 \[Pi] t + 16 t^2) + (\[Pi] - 4 t)^2 (3 \[Pi] - 4 t)^2 (3 \[Pi]^2 + 38 \[Pi] t - 38 t^2) \[Epsilon]))/(27 \[Pi]^7)
Y[t_, b_, \[Epsilon]_] := If[t <= \[Pi], Py[t, b, \[Epsilon]], Py[2 \[Pi] - t, b, \[Epsilon]]]
Pz[t_, A_, p_] := ((\[Pi] - 2 t) (\[Pi] - t) t (3 p \[Pi] (\[Pi] - 4 t)^2 (3 \[Pi] - 4 t)^2 + 256 A (\[Pi] - t) t (9 \[Pi]^2 - 16 \[Pi] t + 16 t^2)))/(27 \[Pi]^7)
Z[t_, c_, pz_] := If[t <= \[Pi], Pz[t, c, pz], Pz[t - \[Pi], c, pz]]
g[t_] := {X[t, 2, 1], Y[t, 1, .1], Z[t, 1, 2]}
h[t_] := {-Y[t, 1, .1], X[t, 2, 1], Z[t, 1, 2]}
ParametricPlot3D[{g[t], h[t]}, {t, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]
I would now want to build the minimal surface defined by those boundaries. But I have trouble adapting this solution to a situation where the initial surface is not a Disk[]
but an Annulus[]
Is it easy to adapt, or do I miss something topologically sneaky?
How do I construct this minimal surface?
then it is not a surface that it defines but a line (the blue one I think). If you need the surface that is an interpolation betweenh
, then your answer has been given by Ulrich below. If it is the minimal surface you need, then see this post I've pointed to. Tell me if any of these suit :) $\endgroup$h(t) = g(t-𝜋)
or something like this (it is like computing the interpolation between the curve and a delayed value of itself, try 𝜋 or other values), then use the result as a starting point for the minimization procedure described there. Does this make sense to you? :) $\endgroup$