I am trying to solve the following reaction-diffusion equation where R_L represents the reaction rate of L.
k1 = 0.00193*10^-9;
k2 = 0.00255*10^-9;
k3 = 4.09*10^-9;
d1 = 0.00700;
d2 = 3.95*^-5;
d3 = 2.26;
K1 = 3.63*10^-9;
K2 = 0.155*10^-9;
K3 = 0.553*10^-9;
K4 = 9.01*10^-12;
Ki = 0.139;
NT = 1.70*10^-12;
L0 = 1*10^-9;
n = (200*^9)/(1.3*^-9);
NA = 6.02*^23;
r = -(K3*K4*
Ki*(K2 +
L[x] - ((8*K2*NT*L[x]^2 + K3*K4*Ki*L[x]^2 + 8*K2*K3*NT*L[x] +
K2^2*K3*K4*Ki + 8*K2^2*K3*Ki*NT + 2*K2*K3*K4*Ki*L[x] +
8*K2*K3*Ki*NT*L[x])/(K3*K4*Ki))^(1/2)))/(4*(K3*L[x] +
L[x]^2 + K2*K3*Ki + K3*Ki*L[x]));
R = (L[x]/K1);
rr = (1/K4) r^2;
rR = (L[x]/((2*K2)*K4)) r^2;
pR = (L[x]/((2*K2)*K4*Ki)) r^2;
RR = (L[x]^2/(K2*K3*K4*Ki)) r^2;
r = (-(1 + (L[x]/
K2)) + \[Sqrt]((1 + (L[x]/
K2))^2 - (4*((2/
K4)*((1 + (L[x]/
K2))*((1 + (1/
Ki))*((1 + (L[x]/K3))))))*(-NT))))/(2*((2/
K4)*((1 + (L[x]/K2))*((1 + (1/Ki))*((1 + (L[x]/K3)))))));
myL = ((2*d1*(NT - r - rr - rR - pR - RR)) - (2*k1*L[x]*r)) + ((2*
d2*(NT - r - R - rr - pR - RR)) - (k2*
L[x]*(NT - r - R - rR - pR - RR))) + ((d3*(NT - r - R - rr -
rR - pR)) - (2*k3*L[x]*(NT - r - R - rr - rR - RR)))
diffCo = 1*10^-6;
bc = {L[0] == 1, L[100] == 0};
eqn = diffCo*L''[x] + myL == 0;
solNDSolve =
NDSolve[{eqn, bc}, L, {x, 0, 100},
Plot[solNDSolve[x], {x, 0, 100}, PlotRange -> Full]
I originally used
bc = {DirichletCondition[L[x] == 1, x == 0],
DirichletCondition[L[x] == 0, x == 100]};
which gave me back the errors:
CoefficientArrays::poly: -((0.00106107 L (-1-6.45161 L+Sqrt[12.3687 (1+Times[<<2>>]) (1+Times[<<2>>])+(1+Times[<<2>>])^2]))/((1+1.80832 L) (1+6.45161 L)))+2.26 (<<1>>)-0.00255 L (<<1>>)+0.014 (<<1>>)+0.000079 (<<1>>)-8.18 L (<<1>>)+L$45220/1000000 is not a polynomial.
NDSolve::femper: PDE parsing error of {-((0.00106107 L (-1-6.45161 L+Sqrt[12.3687 (1+Times[<<2>>]) (1+Times[<<2>>])+(1+Times[<<2>>])^2]))/((1+1.80832 L) (1+6.45161 L)))+<<7>>+L$45220/1000000}. Inconsistent equation dimensions.
when I switched it to
bc = {L[0] == 1, L[100] == 0};
I don't get the error message anymore, however, now it just runs without stopping/giving any error messages.
Solving using FEM doesn't seem to be working. Is there another way to solve this problem without using FEM?
bc = {L[0] == 1, L[100] == 0};
) and removing theMethod
call insideNDSolve
, it at least tries to evaluate. However, it ran for a few minutes on my computer without returning a result, probably because of the complexity of the problem, and I aborted it. Perhaps you can wait longer and see. $\endgroup$NDSolve
to give you a better answer. There is, however, A LOT of information on this site on solving differential equations in general, and on FEM as well. I suggest a deep dive into some older answers first. $\endgroup$Plot
won't work even if you successfully solve the equation, for more information, check document ofNDSolve
carefully. Then,NDSolve
is very slow on this problem because the solution is severely oscillating, try e.g.sol = NDSolveValue[{eqn, L[0] == 1, L'[0] == 0.1}, L, {x, 0, 100}]; Plot[sol[x], {x, 0, 0.2}]
Is it suppose to be like this? If not, you should double check the underlying model. $\endgroup$NDSolve
. Even if it were, one thing that is missing is an initial guess of L[x]. Also, are you sure the equations are correct? $\endgroup$