
I have a bunch of data trialstuff corresponding to {x,y,z}, which I put here.

I am plotting a graph of it:

ListPlot3D[Flatten[trialstuff, 1], ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"]

which gives me this:

enter image description here

where I wrote by hand the "line" which looks like the minima.

1) Is there a way I can find the position in the xy plane of the minimum?

2) If I know the minimum of zero, can I "solve" the equation to find where in the xy plabe the ListPlot3D is zero?


EDIT after kglr answer

With this data and this code:

iF = Interpolation[Join @@ trialstuff];
pnt = Flatten[{{x, y} /. #[[2]], #[[1]]}] &@
  NMinimize[{iF[x, y], 1 <= x <= Sqrt[30], 100 <= y <= 400}, {x, y}]
Show[Plot3D[iF[x, y], {x, 1.1, Sqrt[30] - 0.1}, {y, 101, 399}, 
  BoundaryStyle -> None, Boxed -> False, 
  ColorFunction -> "DarkTerrain", 
  MeshFunctions -> {# &, #2 &, 
    ConditionalExpression[Derivative[1, 0][iF][#, #2], 
      Derivative[2, 0][iF][#, #2] > 0] &, 
    ConditionalExpression[Derivative[0, 1][iF][#, #2], 
      Derivative[0, 2][iF][#, #2] > 0] &}, 
  Mesh -> {{3.1622776600251727`}, {228.06175994426033`}, {0}, {0}}, 
  MeshStyle -> {Magenta, Green, Directive[Red, Thick], 
    Directive[Yellow, Thick]}, 
  PlotLegends -> 
   LineLegend[{Magenta, Green, Directive[Red, Thick], 
     Directive[Yellow, Thick]}, {StringForm["{``, y, iF[``, y]}", 
      NumberForm[pnt[[1]], 4], NumberForm[pnt[[1]], 4]], 
     StringForm["{x, ``, iF[x, ``]}", NumberForm[pnt[[2]], 4], 
      NumberForm[pnt[[2]], 4]], 
     StringForm["{``, y, iF[``, y]}", Superscript[x, "*"][y], 
      Superscript[x, "*"][y]], 
     StringForm["{x, ``, iF[x, ``]}", Superscript[y, "*"][x], 
      Superscript[y, "*"][x]]}]], 
 Graphics3D[{Orange, AbsolutePointSize[10], Point[pnt]}]]

I get this picture:

enter image description here

What are the other random mesh lines?


2 Answers 2

iF = Interpolation[Join @@ data]; 
pnt = Flatten[{{x, y} /. #[[2]], #[[1]]}] &@
  NMinimize[{iF[x, y], 1 <= x <= 5, 100 <= y <= 500}, {x, y}]

{3.19945, 206.337, 811.46}

Show[Plot3D[iF[x, y], {x, 1, 5}, {y, 100, 300}, BoundaryStyle -> None, Boxed -> False, 
  MeshFunctions -> {# &, #2 &, 
    ConditionalExpression[Derivative[1, 0][iF][#, #2], 
      Derivative[2, 0][iF][#, #2] > 0] &, 
    ConditionalExpression[Derivative[0, 1][iF][#, #2], 
      Derivative[0, 2][iF][#, #2] > 0] &}, 
  Mesh -> {{3.199454}, {206.337}, {0}, {0}}, 
  MeshStyle -> {Magenta, Green, Directive[Red, Thick],  Directive[Yellow, Thick]}, 
  PlotLegends ->  LineLegend[{Magenta, Green, Directive[Red, Thick], 
     Directive[Yellow, Thick]}, 
   {StringForm["{``, y, iF[``, y]}", NumberForm[pnt[[1]], 4], NumberForm[pnt[[1]], 4]], 
    StringForm["{x, ``, iF[x, ``]}", NumberForm[pnt[[2]], 4],  NumberForm[pnt[[2]], 4]],
    StringForm["{``, y, iF[``, y]}", Superscript[x, "*"][y], Superscript[x, "*"][y]], 
    StringForm["{x, ``, iF[x, ``]}", Superscript[y, "*"][x],  Superscript[y, "*"][x]]}]], 
 Graphics3D[{Orange, AbsolutePointSize[10], Point[pnt]}]]

enter image description here

where $x^*(y) = ArgMin_x \ iF(x,y)$ and $y^*(x) = ArgMin_y \ iF(x,y)$.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks this is great. Just for me to understand. What exactly is the red line and what are you specifying in the MeshFunctions with the derivatives? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 12, 2018 at 11:28
  • $\begingroup$ @SuperCiocia, the red line is the locus of minima of iF[x,y] with respect to x for given y, the yellow line the locus of minima of iF[x,y] with respect to y for given x. I added a legend. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jun 12, 2018 at 11:53
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks this is great. ON my plot though there are some other random yellow and red lines that appear for the mesh. Is there a way I can post a picture of what I mean on a comment? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 12, 2018 at 14:35
  • $\begingroup$ @SuperCiocia, you can update your question with the issue and related picture. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jun 12, 2018 at 14:38
  • $\begingroup$ I added an edit, thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 12, 2018 at 14:57

The minima curve is to be refined but this is a start:

takeXSlicesMinima[data_List] := With[{xValues = data[[All, 1]]},
    First@TakeSmallestBy[Select[data, #[[1]] == xValue &], Last, 1],
    {xValue, DeleteDuplicates@xValues}

takeYSlicesMinima[data_List] := With[{yValues = data[[All, 2]]},
    First@TakeSmallestBy[Select[data, #[[2]] == yValue &], Last, 1],
    {yValue, DeleteDuplicates@yValues}

With[{data = Flatten[trialstuff, 1]},
 With[{minimaCurvePoints = takeYSlicesMinima@data},
   ListPlot3D[data, ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"],
   Graphics3D[{Red, [email protected],

enter image description here

You probably only need one of the two functions defined above, depending on whether you want to take the minima using X or Y slices.


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