
Possible Duplicate:
Fixed color scale in multiple density plots

I want to normalize different DensityPlots. The scale for the color bar is from 0 to 1. I can do the job in Origin after I get all the data, but I think Mathematica can do it also. I am not very familar with ColorFunctionScaling--could you show me an example?

  • $\begingroup$ Could you describe more precisely what you want/provide a test case, and show what you've tried already? As it is, this question is likely to be closed. This forum is not intended as an extension of the documentation, I'm afraid, so if you simply want additional examples, you will be better off to ask on MathGroup or in chat. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 4, 2013 at 15:05

1 Answer 1


You have to use ColorFunctionScaling to avoid re-scaling of the ColorFunction.


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