
I am trying to perform deep learning classification in Mathematica. I noted that I am unable to create NetGraph even when I just follow the simple steps in the help document of NetGraph.

I also tried to run those codes in Wolfram Programming Lab at the Cloud as well, and the codes can be run without occurring any error. How can I get rid of those errors in Mathematica as well?

Input 1:

net = NetGraph[{ElementwiseLayer[Ramp]}, {}]

Input 1 - Result:

NetGraph: ElementwiseLayer[Ramp] is not a net function.

Input 2:

net = NetGraph[{LinearLayer[3], LinearLayer[5]}, {1 -> 2}, "Input" -> 2]

Input 2 - Result:

NetGraph::netinvnodes: LinearLayer[3] is not a net function.

1 Answer 1


Just upgrade to v11.3 on the desktop and don't use the cloud - it never works for anything other than toy examples.

enter image description here


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