Just reading the documentation for NMinimize
tells you that this feature is not present. Furthermore, NMinimize
does not take "starting point for a variable", so that is necessarily so.
Now if what you want is to find the $\vec{x}$ that minimizes $f(\vec{x})$, for example for dimension 5, and using Norm as ans example function
f = Norm;
With[{xx = Array[x, 5]},
NMinimize[f[xx], xx]
Or you could define something like this
NVectorMinimize[f_, x_, n_] := Block[
xx = Array[Unique[], n],
func = Function[x, f][xx]
{fmin, vec} = NMinimize[func, xx];
{fmin, x -> (xx /. vec)}
NVectorMinimize[f[x], x, 4]
(* {1.9299*10^-11, x -> {-2.5935*10^-12, -1.0298*10^-11, -9.0777*10^-13, -1.6089*10^-11}} *)