
I currently play around with the twitter API and the option GeoLocation in Mathematica version 11.3.

However, the option GeoLocation does not work for me/it does not return anything to me.

What am I doing wrong? The normal request is:

In[19]:= twitter["TweetSearch", "Query" -> "#WolframAlpha"]


If I now change it with the option

twitter["TweetSearch", "Query" -> "#WolframAlpha", "GeoLocation"]

it does not send back anything.

Thanks for any help. Regards Dan.


1 Answer 1


All ServiceObject requests take a request name (string) and list of parameters. In this case if you want to extract GeoLocation for a set of tweets it seems you'll have to do it like this:

tweets =
   "Query" -> "#WolframAlpha"

     "TweetID" -> #, 
    "Elements" -> "FullData"
    ]["Location"] & /@ Normal@tweets[All, "ID"]

{Missing["NotAvailable"], Missing["NotAvailable"], 
 Missing["NotAvailable"], Missing["NotAvailable"], 
 Missing["NotAvailable"], Missing["NotAvailable"], 
 Missing["NotAvailable"], Missing["NotAvailable"], 
 Missing["NotAvailable"], Missing["NotAvailable"], 

It seems to me that this parameter is of minimal use in general though. I've never seen anything except Missing. Also I would have imagined they'd have implemented this in batched form via this request but I guess not.

If you instead want to add a location parameter to your tweet search you can do it like so:

loc = FindGeoLocation["255 Elm St, Somerville, MA 02144"];
  "Query" -> "",
  GeoLocation ->loc



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