You get a full solution set and a lot of instance solutions, if you substitute for all Min[a,b], Min[c,d],... by all possible combinations of a,b,c,d,...
(eqs = {1/5 t12 + 1/5 t22 + 3/5 t32 == 0,
1/5 t1 + 1/5 t2 + 3/5 t3 == 0,
Min[1/5 t12 + 1/5 t22 + 3/5 t32, 1/5 t1 + 1/5 t2 + 3/5 t3] +
Min[1/5 t1 + 1/5 t4 + 3/5 t7, 1/5 t12 + 1/5 t42 + 3/5 t72] >=
Min[1/5 t42 + 1/5 t52 + 3/5 t62, 1/5 t4 + 1/5 t5 + 3/5 t6] +
Min[1/5 t2 + 1/5 t5 + 3/5 t8, 1/5 t22 + 1/5 t52 + 3/5 t82],
Min[1/5 t12 + 1/5 t22 + 3/5 t32, 1/5 t1 + 1/5 t2 + 3/5 t3] +
Min[1/5 t1 + 1/5 t4 + 3/5 t7, 1/5 t12 + 1/5 t42 + 3/5 t72] >=
Min[1/5 t72 + 1/5 t82 + 3/5 t92, 1/5 t7 + 1/5 t8 + 3/5 t9] +
Min[1/5 t3 + 1/5 t6 + 3/5 t9, 1/5 t32 + 1/5 t62 + 3/5 t92],
Min[1/5 t42 + 1/5 t52 + 3/5 t62, 1/5 t4 + 1/5 t5 + 3/5 t6] < 0,
Min[1/5 t72 + 1/5 t82 + 3/5 t92, 1/5 t7 + 1/5 t8 + 3/5 t9] < 0,
Min[1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t12 + 1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t22 +
1/2 (3/5 + 7/9) t32,
1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t1 + 1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t2 + 1/2 (3/5 + 7/9) t3] <
0, 1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t42 + 1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t52 +
1/2 (3/5 + 7/9) t62 == 0,
1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t4 + 1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t5 + 1/2 (3/5 + 7/9) t6 == 0,
Min[1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t7 + 1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t8 + 1/2 (3/5 + 7/9) t9,
1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t72 + 1/2 (1/5 + 1/9) t82 +
1/2 (3/5 + 7/9) t92] < 0,
Min[1/9 t12 + 1/9 t22 + 7/9 t32, 1/9 t1 + 1/9 t2 + 7/9 t3] < 0,
Min[1/9 t42 + 1/9 t52 + 7/9 t62, 1/9 t4 + 1/9 t5 + 7/9 t6] < 0,
1/9 t72 + 1/9 t82 + 7/9 t92 == 0,
1/9 t7 + 1/9 t8 + 7/9 t9 == 0}) // TableForm
First solve all equations an insert solutions
e1 = Cases[eqs, aa_ == 0]
sol1 = First@Solve[e1]
(* {t1 -> -t2 - 3 t3, t12 -> -t22 - 3 t32, t4 -> -t5 - (31 t6)/7,
t42 -> -t52 - (31 t62)/7, t7 -> -t8 - 7 t9, t72 -> -t82 - 7 t92} *)
param = {t12, t22, t32, t42, t52, t62, t72, t82, t92, t1, t2, t3, t4,
t5, t6, t7, t8, t9} // Sort
paramred = {t22, t32, t52, t62, t82, t92, t2, t3, t5, t6, t8, t9}
The remanining inequations
(eqs2 = DeleteCases[eqs /. sol1 // Simplify, True]) // TableForm
Prepare combinations for the first two inequations and get it
(perm = {{a < b, c < d, e < f, a >= c + e}, {b < a, c < d, e < f,
b >= c + e}, {a < b, d < c, e < f, a >= d + e}, {b < a, d < c,
e < f, b >= d + e}, {a < b, c < d, f < e, a >= c + f}, {b < a,
c < d, f < e, b >= c + f}, {a < b, d < c, f < e,
a >= d + f}, {b < a, d < c, f < e, b >= d + f}}) // TableForm
cas12 = Cases[eqs2[[1 ;; 2]],
Min[a_, b_] >= Min[c_, d_] + Min[e_, f_] -> (And @@ # & /@ perm),
3] // Simplify
cas12 // Dimensions
(* {2, 8} *)
ta = Table[
cas12[[1, i]] && cas12[[2, i]], {i, 1, Length[cas12[[1]]]}] //
Do the same for the remaning more simple structured six inequations
cas38 = Cases[eqs2[[3 ;; 8]],
Min[a_, b_] -> {{a < 0, a < b}, {b < 0, b < a}}, 3] // Simplify
(* {{{t6 > 0, t62 < t6}, {t62 > 0, t6 < t62}}, {{t9 > 0,
t92 < t9}, {t92 > 0, t9 < t92}}, {{t3 < 0, t3 < t32}, {t32 < 0,
t32 < t3}}, {{t9 > 0, t92 < t9}, {t92 > 0, t9 < t92}}, {{t3 < 0,
t3 < t32}, {t32 < 0, t32 < t3}}, {{t6 < 0, t6 < t62}, {t62 < 0,
t62 < t6}}} *)
seq = Sequence @@ Map[And @@ # &, cas38, {2}]
The 12 possible inequations reduce to 8
dc = DeleteCases[Flatten[Outer[And, seq], 5] // Simplify, False]
Now build all combinations all inequations, the invalid ones later evaluate to False. You get 16 combinations of inequations, that are all valid to give solutions.
out = Outer[And, ta, dc]
dout = DeleteCases[out // Flatten // Simplify, False]
Now FindInstance a lot of soutions. Use randomsample of paramed to not always get the same solution (here 80 different ones).
(ff = Flatten[Table[FindInstance[#,
RandomSample[paramred, Length[paramred]]] & /@ dout, {10}],
Dimensions /@ {ff, Union[ff]}
(* {{80, 12}, {80, 12}} *)
param /. sol1 /. ff // MatrixForm
Proove all of them to satisfy all eqs.
And @@ (And @@ eqs /. sol1 /. ff)
(* True *)
If you have a few minutes time, you get the full solution of this system set by
redList =
DeleteCases[Reduce[dout[[#]]] & /@ Range[Length[dout]] // Simplify,
(* A very large output was generated... *)
is your list of equations,MemoryConstrained[FindInstance[eqns[[3 ;;]], {t1, t2, t3, t12, t22, t32, t42, t52, t62, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t72, t82, t92}, Reals], 4000000000] // AbsoluteTiming
quits after ~15 seconds on my machine. So it uses 4GB of RAM in 15 seconds, and from my tests would only keep climbing. This is with only 16 of your 18 equations. $\endgroup$