
Is there a function in Mathematica that generates a list of all plane partitions of a certain dimension $n$? This paper describes the algorithm, but I still find it a bit tricky to do it myself.


1 Answer 1


It looks like the Wolfram MathWorld Plane Partition page has the algorithm implemented (select "Download Wolfram Notebook"):

<< Combinatorica`

coversQ[parent_, child_] :=
   And [ Length[parent] >= Length[child] ,
      Min[Take[ parent, Length@child] - child] >= 0]

planepartitionQ[par_] := 
   MatchQ[par, {{___Integer} ..}] && 
      If[Length[par] > 1, 
   And @@ MapThread[coversQ, {Drop[par, -1], Rest[par]}],

PlanePartitions[n_Integer] := Module[{l1, l2, l3, l4},
  l1 = z @@@ Partitions[n] ;
  l2 = l1 /. k_Integer /; (k > 1) :> w @@ Partitions[k];
  l3 = l2 /. z[x_w, y : (1 ...)] :> Thread[z[x, y], w] /. 
                  z[x__w] :> Outer[z, x] /. 
               z[x__w, y : (1 ...)] :> 
                  Outer[z, x, Sequence @@ ({y} /. 1 -> w[1])] /. 
    w -> Sequence;
  l4 = l3 /. 
     z[x___List, y : (1 ..)] :> z[x, Sequence @@ Transpose[{{y}}]] /. 
            z -> List;
  Cases[Union[l4], _?planepartitionQ]]

Can't speak to its validity or if it's precisely what you're looking for, and it relies on the outdated Combinatorica package, but it should be a great starting point for what you're after.

  • $\begingroup$ I ran a few tests, and it looks like Combinatorica is not required if you replace Partitions[...] with IntegerPartitions[...]. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 1, 2018 at 3:52
  • $\begingroup$ That sounds right. Most of the functionality from the package has a built in replacement nowadays. $\endgroup$
    – ktm
    Commented Feb 1, 2018 at 3:53

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