How to avoid that Mathematica simplifies a ratio?
I have this code (visualizing Simpson's paradox):
Grid[{{a/at, a/at < b/bt, b/bt}, {c/ct, c/ct < d/dt, d/dt}, {(
a + c)/(at + ct), (a + c)/(at + ct) < (b + d)/(bt + dt), (b + d)/(
bt + dt)}}, Frame -> All], {{a, 3}, 1, 100, 1}, {{at, 8}, 1, 100,
1}, {{b, 16}, 1, 100, 1}, {{bt, 32}, 1, 100, 1}, {{c, 24}, 1, 100,
1}, {{ct, 32}, 1, 100, 1}, {{d, 7}, 1, 100, 1}, {{dt, 8}, 1, 100,
The problem is that Mathematica simplifies 8/8 to 1 (for example), but I want it to show 8/8. How is this done?
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