I have a list of associations dataset.
d = Dataset@{
<|"a" -> "Red", "b" -> .1|>,
<|"a" -> "Blue", "b" -> .2|>,
<|"a" -> "Red", "b" -> .11|>,
<|"a" -> "Blue", "b" -> .21|>,
<|"a" -> "Blue", "b" -> .23|>
I can count each type of "a" with
d[GroupBy["a"], Length, "b"]
Red 2
Blue 3
and I can find the mean value of "b" for each "a" with
d[GroupBy["a"], Mean, "b"]
Red 0.105
Blue 0.21333
Is there any easy way I can do both at the same time, getting a result that has both a count of the number of occurrences and the mean "b" for each "a"? I'd want the result to look like
Red 2 0.105
Blue 3 0.21333
Obviously I know how to do the queries separately, and I could figure out how to glue the results together. I also know how to apply different functions to different columns without the GroupBy as in here. And I know how to Map multiple functions to individual entries of a column, creating new columns after Group By. But the GroupBy is messing me up when I try to do Mean or Length on an overall column. Is there some arcane syntax to do this elegantly?