I have the following matrix:
{1, 0, 0, 0}, {Cos[0.1 x],Sin[0.1 x], -Cos[0.1 x], -Sin[0.1 x]},
{-100 Cos[0.1 x] -0.05 x^2 Cos[0.1 x] + 100. x Sin[0.1 x],
-100. x Cos[0.1 x]
-100 Sin[0.1 x] - 0.05 x^2 Sin[0.1 x], -100. x Sin[0.1 x],100. x Cos[0.1
{0, 0, 100 Cos[0.2 x] - 100. x Sin[0.2 x],100. x Cos[0.2 x] + 100 Sin[0.2
And I want to solve the following system:
The trivial solution is that the coefficients are all equal to 0. I want to find the non trivial ones, using Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors won't give me the eigenvalues and eigenvectors due to the complexity of the expressions I think. I can find the eigenvalues by simply finding the determinants:
NSolve[Det[mat] == 0 && (0 <= x <= 100), x]
As for the vectors I have no idea how to do it, if for example I replace x in the matrix by the first eigenvalue and try to solve the system, sometimes I'll get the eigenvector whereas sometimes I'll simply get the trivial solution.
Is there anyway else to find the vectors?
instead of0.1
, do you still get the same problem? $\endgroup$