I'm new to Mathematica. I'm having trouble using Reduce
to isolate the variable hab
in the inequality below (Mathematica has been running for 5 days now).
I am trying to obtain the limits of an integration.
Is there any other way I could approach this issue? I'm aware that the expression involved is not simple, and maybe Mathematica will not be able to find an analytical expression. When do I know that Reduce
won't return a closed-form expression?
(1 + (hab^2 q^2)/(1 + gpa p + hae q)^2 + (hrb^2 r^2)/(1 + gpr p + hre r)^2)
(1 -
(Cx^2 (hrb (1 + gpa p + hae q) r + hab q (1 + gpr p + 2 hrb r + hre r))^2) /
((1 + gpa p + (hab + hae) q)^2 (1 + gpr p + (hrb + hre) r)^2)) < 2^Rs &&
Rs > 0 && p > 0 && q > 0 && r > 0 && hab > 0 && hae > 0 && gpa > 0 &&
gpr > 0 && hrb > 0 && Cx >= 0 && Cx <= 1,
hab, Reals]