My code
Re[H + Amp*Exp[-y*Abs[f]/Sqrt[9.81*H]]*
Exp[I*(k*x - (Sqrt[9.81*H])*t)]],
{x, -80000, 80000}, {y, 0, 100000},
PlotPoints -> 30, MeshStyle -> None,
PlotStyle ->
Directive[Opacity[0.65], Blue, Specularity[LightBlue, 10]]]],
Re[Amp*Exp[-y*Abs[f]/Sqrt[9.81*H]]*Exp[I*(k*x - ω*t)]], 0},
{x, -80000, 80000}, {y, 0, 100000}]]],
{{t, 0, "Time {s}"}, 0, 1000},
{{Amp, 20, "Wave Amplitude"}, 0, H},
{{k, 0, "Waves per Metre (x-direction)"}, 0, 0.0005},
{{H, 100, "Depth"}, 0, 500},
{{f, 0, "Coriolis Coefficient"}, -0.01, 0.01}]
I keep getting the error:
{2} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing
Lists {System`ProtoPlotDump`vectordataextremes$1118273, System` ProtoPlotDump`vectorcolorfunction\$1118273} and !({\"Range\", \ \"ColorFunction\"} /. \"2\") are not the same shape.
I don't know what the problem is. I hope someone can help me identify the issue.
P.S. I am a relative beginner in Mathematica and am trying to plot a Kelvin Wave.