
I have this code:

  {Polygon[CirclePoints[25, 4]], 
   {Yellow, Disk[{0, -15}, 1]}, 
   {Yellow, Disk[{0, 0}, 1]}, 
   {Yellow, Disk[{0, 15}, 1]}, 
   {Blue, Disk[{-15, 0}, 1]}, 
   {Blue,Disk[{-15, 15}, 1]}, 
   {Blue, Disk[{-15, -15}, 1]}, 
   {Yellow,Disk[{15, -15}, 1]}, 
   {Blue, Disk[{15, 0}, 1]}, 
   {Yellow, Disk[{15, 15}, 1]}, 
   {Red, Rectangle[{-16, -16}, {-14, 16}]}, 
   {Red, Rectangle[{-1, -16}, {1, 16}]}, 
   {Red, Rectangle[{14, -16}, {16, 16}]}}]

I am trying to figure out a simple way to make the yellow disks turn orange and the blue to turn purple when the red is over them. I looked at Blend but cannot see how that would help. I feel like there must be a simple way to do this, but have very little experience with Mathematica graphics.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You want to use Opacity. $\endgroup$
    – wxffles
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 22:08
  • $\begingroup$ Yep... just insert Opacity[0.5], before Polygon.... $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 22:27
  • $\begingroup$ Possible duplicates: (11565), (14836), (47809) $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 2:23

1 Answer 1


Not only should you introduce Opacity as suggested in the comments, you should also rearrange the order of evaluation in your graphics expression.

  {Polygon[CirclePoints[25, 4]],
      Rectangle[{-16, -16}, {-14, 16}],
      Rectangle[{-1, -16}, {1, 16}],
      Rectangle[{14, -16}, {16, 16}]},
        Disk[{0, -15}, 1], Disk[{0, 0}, 1], Disk[{0, 15}, 1], Disk[{15, -15}, 1], 
        Disk[{15, 15}, 1]},
        Disk[{-15, 0}, 1], Disk[{-15, 15}, 1], Disk[{-15, -15}, 1], 
        Disk[{15, 0}, 1]}}}]



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