Here'a quad-tree index (trie) illustrating the compact codes and efficiency enabled by nested Associations and recursive Queries - no looping, no NestWhile or Fold is used.
Compare to earlier implementations, eg here. Also addresses "can a Trie be implemented efficiently?"
Included are timing studies suggesting empirical n*Log[n] complexity over 6 orders of magnitude.
Generic Helper Functions
This is a variation on KeyValueMap that preserves Association structure, eg:
<|"a" -> 1, "b" -> 2|> // associationKeyValueMap[f]
<|"a" -> f["a", 1], "b" -> f["b", 2]|>
Quad-Index Specific Helper Functions
boxMean[Rectangle[{x0_, y0_}, {x1_, y1_}]] := {x0 + x1, y0 + y1}/2;
boxSplit[Rectangle[{x0_, y0_}, {x1_, y1_}]] := {{x0, (x0 + x1)/2,
x1}, {y0, (y0 + y1)/2, y1}};
• boxClassify takes the truth-values output by GroupBy eg {True,False}, and maps them to coordinates.
y_}] := {boxSplit[
r], {x, y} /. {False -> {1, 2}, True -> {2, 3}}} //
Transpose // Map[Apply@Part] // Transpose // Apply[Rectangle];
• boundingBoxAssociation takes a key, eg "pos" here, and computes a bounding box and associates it as root key with the data as values.
boundingBoxAssociation[pointKey_][data_List] :=
Query[{Query[All, pointKey] /* transposeCommute[Map[MinMax]] /*
Apply[Rectangle], Identity} /* Apply[Rule] /* Association][
Recursive Query
groupByQuad[bucketSize_][box_Rectangle, data_List] :=
If[Length[data] > bucketSize,
data // GroupBy[
Thread[#pos > boxMean[box] ] & /* boxClassify[box]] //
associationKeyValueMap[groupByQuad[bucketSize]], data];
Indexer Function
quadIndex[pointKey_, bucketSize_][data_List] :=
boundingBoxAssociation[pointKey][data] //
Point Cloud Association
• Foo is a generic to illustrate that payload can be associated with each point stored in "pos" key:
gaussianPointData[n_] :=
RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[], {n, 2}] //
Map[<|"pos" -> #, "foo" -> 0|> &] ;
Dataset indexed to 6 orders of magnitude
pointDS = <|
Table[ToString[exp] -> gaussianPointData[10^exp], {exp, 1, 6}]|> //
That is:
pointDS[All, Length]
Timing Studies
• 2013 iMac w/ 32GB
timingStudy["bucket size 1"] =
pointDS[All, quadIndex["pos", 1] /* Timing]; // Timing
{379.58, Null}
timingStudy["bucket size 5"] =
pointDS[All, quadIndex["pos", 5] /* Timing]; // Timing
{285.578, Null}
• Timing by input size:
{timingStudy["bucket size 1"] [All, First],
timingStudy["bucket size 5"] [All, First]}
• Plot
ListPlot[{Normal@timingStudy["bucket size 1"] [Values, First],
Normal@timingStudy["bucket size 5"] [Values,
First], (#*Log[4, #]/30000. &) /@ Table[10^exp, {exp, 1, 6}] },
Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True]
• Bucket size 1, 100pts
timingStudy["bucket size 1"][2,
Last /* associationKeyFlatten][{Keys /* Flatten,
Query[Values, Apply[Point], "pos"]}] //
Normal // (Graphics[{FaceForm[None], EdgeForm[{Thin, Blue}], #},
PlotRange -> 3 {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, Frame -> True] &)
• bucket size 1, 1k points:
timingStudy["bucket size 1"][3,
Last /* associationKeyFlatten][{Keys /* Flatten,
Query[Values, Apply[Point], "pos"]}] //
Normal // (Graphics[{FaceForm[None], EdgeForm[{Thin, Blue}], #},
PlotRange -> 3.5 {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, Frame -> True] &)
• bucket size 5, 1k points:
timingStudy["bucket size 10"][3,
Last /* associationKeyFlatten][{Keys /* Flatten,
Query[Values, Map[Point], "pos"]}] //
Normal // (Graphics[{FaceForm[None], EdgeForm[{Thin, Blue}], #},
PlotRange -> 4 {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, Frame -> True] &)
Output Description
• Showing nested Association (trie) structure
timingStudy["bucket size 1"][1, Last] // Normal
• This is not a classical quad-tree in that GroupBy only generates keys depending on the values. For example, if a quadrant is empty, only 3 sub-notes will be generated.
• Additional services associated with such indexes such as lookup, insert, delete, are not addressed here.
here. It only does quadtrees, but it is not too hard to modify to get it to do octrees. $\endgroup$