What (I think) happens is that you use a constant rate of $8000\,\text{Hz}$ on a steady increasing frequency. This leads to interesting effects when the frequency of the function gets bigger than you rate-frequency.
This fact can be explored by just using a $\sin$-Function and use a interval which is slightly larger than $\pi$ at example:
Show[Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 30 Pi}],
ListLinePlot[Table[{x, Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 30 Pi, Pi + 0.1}],
PlotStyle -> Black, Mesh -> All]]
While you used a normal $\sin$-function, you got a multiplication of two wave-functions with different frequencies just by using a too small rate-frequency.
You can visualize this. Use your function $\sin(x^2)$ but a constant interval to get the plot below:
p = Table[Sin[x^2], {x, 0, 100, 0.05}];
ListLinePlot[p, AspectRatio -> 1/10, PlotRange -> All,
ImageSize -> 1500]
We can also analyze the frequency of this (in a little bit of cheating) by partitioning the list in equal parts and doing an FFT:
p = Table[Sin[x^2], {x, 0, 200, 0.005}];
g1 = ListLinePlot[p, AspectRatio -> 1/10, PlotRange -> All,
ImageSize -> 1500];
pp = Partition[p, Floor[Length[p]/500]];
fp = Flatten@Table[Abs[Fourier[pp[[i]]]]^2, {i, 1, Length[pp]}];
g2 = ListLinePlot[fp, AspectRatio -> 1/10, PlotRange -> All,
ImageSize -> 1500];
g3 = GraphicsGrid[{{g1}, {g2}}]
Which looks like your diagram there.
To answer your comment:
(First notice, that the first diagram of the output of Play
is a diagram which shows the frequency over time)
It's like whats shown in the first picture but whats actually happens is displayed in the second picture. Your function frequency gets so high, that you Sample-Rate-Frequency goes into a kind of interference with it. So that you get an alternating frequency drift. A way to prevent this is to increase the sample rate. An example:
Play[Sin[(20*t*2 Pi)^2], {t, 0, 25}, SampleRate -> 8000]
This is what you've got essentially.
If we now increase our sample rate, we can go into higher frequencies of your function without getting this interference.
Play[Sin[(20*t*2 Pi)^2], {t, 0, 25}, SampleRate -> 80000]
Notice how this sound can play much longer before our frequency begins to drift away.