
I have many graphs and I want to group all vertices by its "level",but I don't know how to define the "level" exactly,just by its topological order to discern they.I give some example in follow and label its "level".

All of the graphs is a In directed acyclic graphs got by TransitiveReductionGraph,and its vertex name is difference.


How to group vertices in all graphs by its "level"?The expected result is:


Current try

graphs=(Uncompress@*FromCharacterCode@*Flatten@*(ImageData[#1, "Byte"] &)@*

For graphs[[1]] I can get such result:

  DeleteDuplicates /@ 
   Flatten[VertexOutComponent[g, #] & /@ 
     VertexList[g, _?(VertexInDegree[g, #] == 0 &)], {2}]]@graphs[[1]]


Of course,in graphs[[1]] I want to get {{swallow,allowance,shallow},{wallow},{allow}}.How to refine this code for all graphs?

  • $\begingroup$ I think it's not going to be possible to define the level uniquely ... I mean more than one level assignment may be a good solution. Nice question, +1! $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Nov 25, 2016 at 10:00

1 Answer 1

rule = Flatten[MapIndexed[Thread[# -> #2[[1]]] &, #] & /@ 
       (Quiet[NestWhileList[{vl = VertexList[#[[2]], _?(Function[v, 
                 VertexInDegree[#[[2]], v] == 0])], VertexDelete[#[[2]], vl]} &, {{}, #}, 
        #[[2, 0]] =!=  VertexDelete &]][[2 ;; -2, 1]] & /@ graphs)];

allvertices = Join @@ (VertexList /@ graphs);

Pick[allvertices, allvertices /. rule, #] & /@ Range[Max[rule[[All, -1]]]]

{{"swallow", "allowance", "shallow", 100, "thought", "drought", "detective", 1},
{"wallow", 101, "ought", "rough", "detect", 2, 3},
{"allow", 102, 103, 4},
{104, 5},


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