I have an integrand that looks like this:
the details of computation are complicated but I only know the integrand numerically (I use NDSolve
to solve second order ODE). The integrand is not simply the solution of my ODE either; calling the two solutions of my ODE osc1[s], osc2[s] then schematically the integrand I have looks something like
exp(-is)[g(s)osc1[s]osc2*[C-s]+f(s)osc2[s]osc2*[C-s]]. The exp bit is only very slowly oscillating over my integration range, it is really osc1,osc2 that give wild oscillation, as a certain parameter they depend on gets larger.
More explicitely
rstar[r_] := r + 2 M Log[r/(2 M) - 1];
rH = 200001/100000;
r0 = 10;
\[Lambda][l_] = l (l + 1);
eq[\[Omega]_,l_] := \[CapitalPhi]''[r] + (2 (r - M))/(
r (r - 2 M)) \[CapitalPhi]'[
r] + ((\[Omega]^2 r^2)/(r - 2 M)^2 - \[Lambda][l]/(
r (r - 2 M))) \[CapitalPhi][r] == 0;
init=-0.0000894423075560122420468703835499 +
0.0000447222944185058822813688948339 I;
dinit=-4.464175354293244250869336196691640386266791`30.*^-6 -
8.950483248390306670770345406047835993931665`30.*^-6 I;
osc1 := \[CapitalPhi] /.
Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = 100},
NDSolve[{eq[1/10, 1], \[CapitalPhi][rinf] ==
init, \[CapitalPhi]'[rinf] == dinit}, \[CapitalPhi], {r, r0,
rinf}, WorkingPrecision -> wp, AccuracyGoal -> ac,
MaxSteps -> \[Infinity]]][[1]];
osc2 is obtained simiarly. Note these are for non problematic params and it will run quick quickly, and not be too badly behaved.
The problem I have is that I only know the integrand to maybe 6-12 digits of precision (dp), depending on the parameters. This is computing the NDSolve with a WorkingPrecision of 50-60, AccuracyGoal->42-52 and it takes around 2 hrs. I want to integrate this with NIntegrate
, but when my parameters are large (and the oscillation is very high) I usually only know the integrand around the 6 dp end of scale, and NIntegrate
wants a greater WorkingPrecision
than this otherwise it complains (since oscillation is also getting very large).
I can force it to do the integral by making the WorkingPrecision
higher, but I think this is cheating if I don't believe my integrand any higher than 6 dp?
The only ideas I've had so far are to try different rules. Are there any rules people would recommend for doing such oscillatory integrands? So far I've tried "LevinRule"
, "ClenshawCurtisRule"
, "GaussKronrodRule"
but none seem to compute it any quicker than just the default. They all agree up to a reasonable number of dp, so no idea if I should just stick to the default, or if there is something better one could do with such an integrand. Speed is not a concern just accuracy.
Let's say I managed to split my integral into a few different integrals. First give the definitions:
NumericQ] := (4 M) ((tau/tauh)^(1/3) + 1) Exp[-(tau/tauh)^(1/3) +
1/2 (tau/tauh)^(2/3) - 1/3 (tau/tauh)];
NumericQ] := -(4 M) ((tau/tauh)^(1/3) - 1) Exp[(tau/tauh)^(1/3) +
1/2 (tau/tauh)^(2/3) + 1/3 (tau/tauh)];
rtau[tau_?NumericQ] := (2 M) (tau/tauh)^(2/3);
in addition to those made above, then I think I can give my integral as a sum of integrands that look like this
Exp[-I s] (ubar[tau_f - s])^(-i 4/10)Exp[+i 1/10 rstar[tau_f - s]]osc1[rtau[tauf-s]]*
here tau_f constant. The first part is an amplitude, the osc1 satisfies the linear ODE given above. I think this has Levin potential if I can work out how to input the LevinRules given the above second order ODE? (Here and in the above I fix my parameters the ODE depends on to (1/10,1) to simplify giving the ICs but I don't that detracts from the main problem). Would need to work out what the Kernal is from the ODE above.
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