The nonlinear problem in the question,
Eta = Phi[x] - a - b;
eqn = Phi''[x] == k*j0*(Exp[((1 - alpha) F Eta)/(R T)] - Exp[ (-alpha F Eta)/(R T)]);
soln = DSolve[{eqn, Phi'[0] == 0, Phi'[1] == 1}, Phi[x], x]
yields an empty solution set with the explanatory warning
DSolve::bvimp: General solution contains implicit solutions. In the boundary value problem, these solutions will be ignored, so some of the solutions will be lost.
, or more precisely Solve
, which it calls, cannot invert the boundary conditions. Sometimes,
SetOptions[Solve, Method -> Reduce]
overcomes this difficulty, but not here. Instead, apply DSolve
without boundary conditions, which yields,
s = soln = DSolve[eqn, Phi[x], x]
(* Solve[
Integrate[1/Sqrt[(2*E^((F*(a*(-1 + alpha) + (-1 + alpha)*b - alpha*K[1]))/(R*T))*
((-1 + alpha)*E^(((a + b)*F)/(R*T)) - alpha*E^((F*K[1])/(R*T)))*j0*k*R*T)/
((-1 + alpha)*alpha*F) + C[1]], {K[1], 1, Phi[x]}]^2 == (x + C[2])^2, Phi[x]] *)
That neither Solve
nor Reduce
can make headway with this equation is, perhaps, not surprising. Nonetheless, some progress can be made. First, extract the equation from within s
and take the square root of both sides.
ss = s[[1]] /. Power[z_, 2] -> z
(* Integrate[1/Sqrt[(2*E^((F*(a*(-1 + alpha) + (-1 + alpha)*b - alpha*K[1]))/(R*T))*
((-1 + alpha)*E^(((a + b)*F)/(R*T)) - alpha*E^((F*K[1])/(R*T)))*j0*k*R*T)/
((-1 + alpha)*alpha*F) + C[1]], {K[1], 1, Phi[x]}] == x + C[2] *)
(Edit: The following was rewritten to properly address boundary conditions.)
The boundary conditions now can be applied to determine the constant C[1]
as follows. To obtain Phi'[x]
, differentiate ss
, multiply the resulting equation by the denominator of the left side of the equation, and square both sides.
sss = (Numerator[D[ss, x][[1]]])^2 == (Denominator[D[ss, x][[1]]])^2
(* Derivative[1][Phi][x]^2 ==
(2*E^((F*(a*(-1 + alpha) + (-1 + alpha)*b - alpha*Phi[x]))/(R*T))*
((-1 + alpha)*E^(((a + b)*F)/(R*T)) - alpha*E^((F*Phi[x])/(R*T)))*j0*k*R*T)/
((-1 + alpha)*alpha*F) + C[1 *)
Note that this result also can be obtained by multiplying eqn
by Phi'[x]
and integrating. Now C[1]
can be computed trivially by
First@Solve[sss /. x -> 0 /. Phi'[0] -> 0, C[1]]
(* {C[1] -> (-2*E^((F*(a*(-1 + alpha) + (-1 + alpha)*b - alpha*Phi[0]))/(R*T))*
(-E^(((a + b)*F)/(R*T)) + alpha*E^(((a + b)*F)/(R*T)) - alpha*E^((F*Phi[0])/(R*T)))*j0*
k*R*T)/((-1 + alpha)*alpha*F)} *)
as well as from First@Solve[sss /. x -> 1 /. Phi'[1] -> 1, C[1]]
. Consistency of these two results requires
1 == (sss[[2]] /. x -> 1) - (sss[[2]] /. x -> 0)
(* 1 == (-2*E^((F*(a*(-1 + alpha) + (-1 + alpha)*b - alpha*Phi[0]))/(R*T))*
((-1 + alpha)*E^(((a + b)*F)/(R*T)) - alpha*E^((F*Phi[0])/(R*T)))*j0*k*R*T)/
((-1 + alpha)*alpha*F) +
(2*E^((F*(a*(-1 + alpha) + (-1 + alpha)*b - alpha*Phi[1]))/(R*T))*
((-1 + alpha)*E^(((a + b)*F)/(R*T)) - alpha*E^((F*Phi[1])/(R*T)))*j0*k*R*T)/
((-1 + alpha)*alpha*F) *)
A solution to the nonlinear ODE eqn
therefore exists only if this consistency condition can be satisfied. Adjusting C[2]
may well be sufficient to satisfy the consistency condition, but determining the necessary value for C[2]
appears to be a numerical calculation.
A little more progress can be made for the special case, alpha == 1/2
eqn = Phi''[x] == 2 k*j0*Sinh[Eta F/(2 R T)];
soln = Phi[x] /. DSolve[{eqn}, Phi[x], x] /.
JacobiAmplitude[z1_, z2_] :> JacobiAmplitude[Simplify[z1], z2]
(* {(a F + b F + 4 I R T JacobiAmplitude[(I Sqrt[F] Sqrt[8 j0 k R T + F C[1]] (x + C[2]))/
(4 R T), (16 j0 k R T)/(8 j0 k R T + F C[1])])/F,
{(a F + b F - 4 I R T JacobiAmplitude[(I Sqrt[F] Sqrt[8 j0 k R T + F C[1]] (x + C[2]))/
(4 R T), (16 j0 k R T)/(8 j0 k R T + F C[1])])/F} *)
Unfortunately, the resulting boundary conditions cannot be solved symbolically by Mathematica for the two constants of integration.
Solve[{0 == D[soln[[1]], x] /. x -> 0, 1 == D[soln[[1]], x] /. x -> 1}, {C[1], C[2]}]
returns unevaluated with the message
Solve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve.
does no better.
Second Addendum
The OP indicates in a comment below that only Phi[0]
is needed. I know of no way to obtain even that symbolically. However, it can be obtained numerically without difficulty. For instance, with a + b == 0
, k j0 == 1
, and F/(R T) == 1
eqn = Phi''[x] == Exp[(1 - alpha) Phi[x]] - Exp[ -alpha Phi[x]];
ParametricNDSolveValue[{eqn, Phi'[0] == 0, Phi'[1] == 1}, Phi[0], x, {alpha}];
Plot[%[alpha], {alpha, 0, 1}, AxesLabel -> {alpha, "Phi[0]"}]
soln = DSolve[{eqn, Phi[0] == 0, Phi'[1] == 1}, Phi[x], x]
also, you're missing a curly bracket beforePhi[x]
$\endgroup$Phi'[0] == 0
instead ofPhi[0] == 0
. $\endgroup$