I have a list of the form:
So when we take all the first elements we get a run of integers:
(* {0,1,1,0,3,3,0,0,5,5,5,0,5,0,...} *)
What I want to do is sort my list based on the first element of each sublist (the integers) by gathering the non zero integers but preserving the zeroes between them. So for this example for the sorted list the list of all first elements would look like this:
i.e. the second and subsequent occurrence of "5" get moved to join the earlier occurrences. Likewise for all other occurrences of integers -- they get moved up to join the first occurrence or group of occurrences.
I am doing this in a round about way at the moment in which I record a list of positions after the reordering and then return list[[positions]]
. I can post what I am doing at the moment but am interested to know if anyone has a one or two liner type solution.
Also I wasn't quite sure how to title this question to make it easier for searches. Any ideas on that?
The integers will not necessarily appear in order. So, for example, the first appearance of a non zero integer could be ordered like
3, 1, 5, 4, 6, ...
The function below is what I am using to return the list of positions:
sortedPositions[list_List] :=
Module[{tmp = list[[All, 1]], length, pos, tmp1, tmp2,
length = Length[tmp];
tmp1 = List /@ Cases[Transpose[{tmp, Range[length]}], {0, _}];
tmp2 = DeleteCases[Transpose[{tmp, Range[length]}], {0, _}];
tmp3 = GatherBy[tmp2, First];
tmp2 = Join[tmp1, tmp3];
Flatten[SortBy[tmp2, #[[1, 2]] &], 1][[All, 2]]
But it seems like a lot of code to get the result I need. Here is a test list:
num = 20;
testList = Join[List /@ RandomInteger[{0, 9}, num], RandomReal[{0, 1}, {num, 6}], 2]
{2,0.136431,0.799215,0.698071,0.0599957,0.452992,0.378609}} *)
Find the position order you want in your final list:
positions = sortedPositions[testList]
(* {1, 14, 2, 11, 3, 6, 10, 18, 4, 7, 13, 5, 8, 9, 12, 16, 19, 20, 15, \
17} *)
Make your "sorted" list "sorting" according to an algorithm applied to the first element:
So by "sorting"/"gathering" based on doing something with the first elements you do something like what I have tried to illustrate in the image below:
and create a new ordering of ultimately the initial list (testList
) with the new order probably best seen by the new order of the first elements:
As per Mr.Wizards answer what I am wanting to do is gather the list based on the first elements however I don't want to gather the zeros so only non-zero first elements are grouped.