Although Solve can solve FinancialBond for an input parameter (e.g. par) given the price of a bond:
{"FaceValue" -> par, "Coupon" -> 0.08, "Maturity" -> 15,
"CouponInterval" -> 1/2},
{"InterestRate" -> 0.06, "Settlement" -> 0}] == 1722.25, par]
{{par -> 1440.}}
it fails to solve FinancialDerivative for volatility given the price of an option:
"Call"}, {"StrikePrice" -> 103.,
"Expiration" -> 1}, {"InterestRate" -> 0.01,
"Volatility" -> vol, "CurrentPrice" -> 100, "Dividend" -> 0.0}] ==
26, vol]
Solve::ivar: 0.22745` is not a valid variable. >>
Solve[False, 0.22745]
This is a serious problem. Am I doing it wrong? Is it a known bug that Wolfram Research is working on??
Is it a known bug that Wolfram Research is working on??
is most appropriate for a W forum or for W support. How on Earth could We:know? $\endgroup$