I first do a 3D Plot of four surfaces (eigenvalues of a $4\times4$ matrix) over $kx,kz$ (setting $ky=0$ all along). And then I try to give a 2D plot along three connected particular lines in $kx,kz$-plane, which is simply a tiny part of the 3D one. However, the 2D one turns out to be far slower than the 3D one. Also I use Evaluate in both cases, otherwise a weird mess (Why?). What's wrong with my code? And I'm wondering what the faster code ought to be.
zero2 = DiagonalMatrix[{0, 0}];
I2 = IdentityMatrix[2];
I4 = IdentityMatrix[4];
t = 1/2;
λ = 1;
Subscript[λ, z] = 1;
ϵ = 6 t;
b = {0, 0, 0, 1};
H[kx_, ky_, kz_] := 2 λ KroneckerProduct[PauliMatrix[3], PauliMatrix[1] Sin[ky] - PauliMatrix[2] Sin[kx]] + 2 Subscript[λ, z] KroneckerProduct[PauliMatrix[2], I2] Sin[kz] + KroneckerProduct[PauliMatrix[1], I2] (ϵ - 2 t (Cos[kx] + Cos[ky] + Cos[kz]));
Subscript[H, 1][kx_, ky_, kz_] := b.{KroneckerProduct[PauliMatrix[2], PauliMatrix[3]], -KroneckerProduct[PauliMatrix[1], PauliMatrix[1]], KroneckerProduct[PauliMatrix[1], PauliMatrix[2]], KroneckerProduct[I2, PauliMatrix[3]]};
Eval[kx_, ky_, kz_] := FullSimplify[Eigenvalues[H[kx, ky, kz] + Subscript[H, 1][kx, ky, kz]]];
Plot3D[Evaluate[Eval[kx, 0, kz]],
{kx, -π, π}, {kz, -π, π},
AxesLabel -> Automatic, PlotLegends -> "Placeholder"
a0 = 1;
b1 = 2 π/a0;
b2 = 2 π/a0;
b3 = 2 π/a0;
BZKx = b1/2;
BZKz = b3/2;
Plot[Evaluate@Eval[If[k <= 0, k/Sqrt[2], If[k <= BZKx, 0, BZKx]], 0, If[k <= 0, k/Sqrt[2], If[k <= BZKx, k, k - BZKx]]],
{k, -Sqrt[2] BZKx, 2 BZKx},
ImageMargins -> 0, PlotStyle -> Thickness[.01]