Someone could help me for solving the following GR PDE? (this code do not work yet)
E0 = 1; G = 1; c = 1;
R = 5; T = 1/3;
Cte = Sqrt[(E/Pi/R^3)*(E0/(4/T^2 + 1/R^2))]
Phi = Cte*Exp[(-r/2)*R]*Exp[(-t^2/4)*T^2];
pressure = (1/2)*(Exp[2*F[r, t]]*D[Phi, t]^2 + D[Phi, r]^2)
eqrr = ((-c^2)*E^(2*F[r, t]) +
E^(2*H[r, t])*((-E^(2*F[r, t]))*
r^2*(3*Derivative[0, 1][H][r, t]^2 +
2*Derivative[0, 2][H][r, t]) + (c +
c*r*Derivative[1, 0][H][r, t])^2))/
(E^(2*H[r, t])*(c^2*r^2))
eqthetatheta = (1/c^2)*E^(-2*F[r, t] + 2*H[r, t])* r*((-E^(2*F[r, t]))*
r*(Derivative[0, 1][F][r, t]^2 +
Derivative[0, 1][F][r, t]*Derivative[0, 1][H][r, t] +
Derivative[0, 1][H][r, t]^2 +
Derivative[0, 2][F][r, t] + Derivative[0, 2][H][r, t]) +
c^2*((-Derivative[1, 0][F][r, t])*(1 +
r*Derivative[1, 0][H][r, t]) +
Derivative[1, 0][H][r, t]*(2 + r*Derivative[1, 0][H][r, t]) +
r*Derivative[2, 0][H][r, t]))
precis = 30; Tsim = 10*T; Rsim = 10*R;
NDSolve[{eqrr == 8*Pi*G*pressure, eqthetatheta == 0, F[r, -Tsim] == 0, H[r, -Tsim] == 0,
Derivative[1, 0][F][0, t] == 0, Derivative[1, 0][H][0, t] == 0, F[Rsim, t] == 0,
H[Rsim, t] == 0}, {F, H}, {t, -Tsim, Tsim}, {r, 0, Rsim}, WorkingPrecision -> precis,
Method -> {"MethodOfLines", "SpatialDiscretization" ->
{"TensorProductGrid", "MaxPoints" -> 151,"MinPoints" -> 151,
"DifferenceOrder" -> "Pseudospectral"}, "TemporalVariable" -> t}]
t = -Tsim
for the first derivatives of F and H with respect to time. $\endgroup$r
no higher than first order, the boundary conditions can contain no derivatives inr
. Finally, the lower bound onr
must be greater than zero to avoid the singularity there. $\endgroup$