You go to the casino. You bet a dollar the ball will land on red. If it does you get two dollars if it does not you get zero. Likewise if you bet the ball will land on black. You cannot bet it will land on green.
Use this previous answer to help do the pattern matching. Note to the original poster, I found that using Google and searching for mathematica count subsequence.
g = RandomChoice[{17/36, 17/36, 1/18} -> {red, black, green}, 10^6];
win = {{red, red, red, red, black}, {black, black, black, black, red}};
loss = {{red, red, red, red, red}, {red, red, red, red, green},
{black, black, black, black, black}, {black, black, black, black, green}};
ts = ToString@Row[#, ","] &;
{StringCount[ts@g, ts /@ win, Overlaps -> True],
-StringCount[ts@g, ts /@ loss, Overlaps -> True]}
Whether you are considering overlapping patterns or not isn't specified, but this code is counting those too.
If I run that once I get {47043, -51943} which says I made 47043 winning bets and 51943 loosing bets in that particular 10^6 spins of the wheel.
Note to the original poster. Study this. Look up each function or thing you don't understand in the help system. Things like /@ and @ are also functions that you can find and try to understand. This is a complicated bit of code for someone who is new to Mathematica.