
I have a two-variable function $f(m,s)$ for real $m>0$ and $s>0$, and as the first picture shows, it seems that it is always positive; on the other hand, I can easily find the minimum of $f(m,s)$ that I denote by $fmin$ below but the second picture shows that this minimum can be negative. Is not this a contradiction? I will be grateful if someone explains where I am going wrong. If $f(m,s)$ is always positive why its minimum is negative? Is it obvious that $f(m,s)>0$?

q = 1/3 ArcTan[36 m^2 s^2 - s^4, 6 Sqrt[3] m Abs[-4 m^2 s + s^3]]; (*q\[Element] [-Pi/6, Pi/6]*)

f = 3 m^2 + 2 s^2 - s Sqrt[12 m^2 + s^2] (Cos[q] + Sqrt[3] Sin[q]); (* (Cos[q] + Sqrt[3] Sin[q]) \[Element] [0, Sqrt[3]] implying  that  minimum of f  is  as   follows*)

fmin = 3 m^2 + 2 s^2 - s Sqrt[12 m^2 + s^2]  Sqrt[3] ;

{  Plot3D[f, {m, 0, 10}, {s, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> {-5, 5}, AxesLabel -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> 50]   ,   
 Plot3D[fmin, {m, 0, 10}, {s, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> {-5, 5}, AxesLabel -> Automatic, 
  PlotPoints -> 50]  }

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Your reasoning about the minimum is wrong. You cannot simply replace a term with its extremal value, and expect to get the same position (or value) of minima. Imagine a simpler example: $f(x) = x^2 - \sin x$. You cannot reason that $\sin x \in [-1,1] \implies f_{min}(x) = x^2 - 1$. Plot[{x^2 - Sin[x], x^2 - 1}, {x, -2, 2}] $\endgroup$
    – Domen
    Commented Mar 27, 2023 at 14:54

1 Answer 1

q = 1/3 ArcTan[36 m^2 s^2 - s^4, 6 Sqrt[3] m Abs[-4 m^2 s + s^3]]; 

Your statement that q ∈ {-Pi/6, Pi/6} is not correct

SetOptions[#, WorkingPrecision -> 20] & /@ {NMinValue, NMaxValue};

{qmin, qmax} = 
 N[#[{q, m > 0, s > 0}, {m, s}] & /@ {NMinValue, NMaxValue}] // Chop

(* {0, 1.0472} *)


(* π/3 *)

Consequently, q ∈ {0, Pi/3}

Plot3D[{q, Pi/3}, {m, 0, 10}, {s, 0, 10},
 PlotRange -> {0, Pi/2},
 PlotStyle -> {Automatic, Opacity[0.2]},
 AxesLabel -> Automatic,
 Mesh -> None,
 PlotPoints -> 50,
 MaxRecursion -> 7]

enter image description here

Assuming[s > 0, Limit[q, m -> 0, Direction -> "FromAbove"]]

(* π/3 *)

Assuming[s > 0, Limit[q, m -> s/2]]

(* 0 *)

Looking at f

f = 3 m^2 + 2 s^2 - s Sqrt[12 m^2 + s^2] (Cos[q] + Sqrt[3] Sin[q]); 

SetOptions[NMinValue, WorkingPrecision -> MachinePrecision];

fmin = NMinValue[{f, m > 0, s > 0}, {m, s}] // Chop

(* 0 *)

Plot3D[f, {s, 0, 10}, {m, 0, 10},
 PlotRange -> {-1, 5},
 AxesLabel -> Automatic,
 PlotPoints -> 50,
 MaxRecursion -> 7,
 ClippingStyle -> None]

enter image description here

Assuming[s > 0, Limit[f, m -> 0, Direction -> "FromAbove"]]

(* 0 *)

Assuming[s > 0, Limit[f, m -> s] // FullSimplify]

(* 0 *)
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. Even though that your argument and also plot confirms the range of $q$ but I am confused about the fact that the range of $ArcTan x\in[-\frac{\pi}2,\frac{\pi}2]$, so, multiplying it by $\frac13$ we get $\frac{\pi}6$ for the maximum; also we have Limit[ 1/3 ArcTan[x], x -> Infinity] (*\[Pi]/6*); maybe again I am missing something in my argument $\endgroup$
    – Martha97
    Commented Mar 27, 2023 at 16:48
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I agree that the results for q are inconsistent with the statement in the documentation for ArcTan that "For real z, the results are always in the range -[Pi]/2 to [Pi]/2." I would guess that in the evaluation, Mathematica wandered into the complex plane and got confused by a branch cut. I will ask Wolfram Tech Support. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Mar 27, 2023 at 17:55
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much. $\endgroup$
    – Martha97
    Commented Mar 27, 2023 at 19:01
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Wolfram Technical Support Case: 5016828 From the documentation for ArcTan, "ArcTan[x, y] gives the arc tangent of y/x" and "For real z, the results are always in the range -[Pi]/2 to [Pi]/2." However, ArcTan[x, y] returns values outside of the interval {-[Pi]/2, [Pi]/2} for real arguments $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Mar 27, 2023 at 20:14
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Wolfram Technical Support replied, "... this is a documentation error. The result of the two-argument form of ArcTan lies in the range [-Pi, Pi]." See also wiki: atan2 $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Apr 1, 2023 at 18:05

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