I am trying to set up a recursive function that generates n
number of differential equations for Subscript[y, n][t]
This function almost works.
Table[{Subscript[y0, j] = 1}, {j, 50}];(*initial conditions for Subscript[y, n] assuming n<=50*)
vars[n_] := {x, Table[Subscript[y, j], {j, n}]};
sol[0][T_, b_, d_, r_, n_] :=
sol[0][T, b, d, r, n] =
Flatten[vars[n]] /.
NDSolve[Flatten@{Join[{x'[t] ==
10^7 r - d x[t] - b*x[t]*(Sum[Subscript[y, k][t], {k, n}])},
Table[Subscript[y, j]'[t] == -d Subscript[y, j][t] +
b x[t]*Subscript[y, j][t], {j, n}],
Flatten[Join[{x[0] == 0},
Flatten[Table[{Subscript[y, j][0] == Subscript[y0, j]}, {j,
n}]]]]]}, Flatten[vars[n]], {t, 0, T}][[1]]
sol[i][T_, b_, d_, r_, n_] :=
sol[i][T, b, d, r, n] =
Flatten[vars[n]] /.
NDSolve[Flatten@{Join[{x'[t] ==
10^7 r - d x[t] - b*x[t]*(Sum[Subscript[y, k][t], {k, n}])},
Table[Subscript[y, j]'[t] == -d Subscript[y, j][t] +
b x[t]*Subscript[y, j][t], {j, n}],
Flatten[Join[{x[0] == 0},(*next bit seems to be the problem*)
Flatten[Table[{Subscript[y, j][0] ==
sol[i - 1][T, b, d, r, n][[j + 1]][T]}, {j, n}]]]]]},
Flatten[vars[n]], {t, 0, T}][[1]]
The initial condition sol[0][T, b, d, r, n]
works as expected and returns the interpolating functions:
T = 4; b = 10^-7; d = 0.25; r = 0.2; n = 4;
sol[0][T, b, d, r, n]
And also returns the value at t = T
sol[0][T, b, d, r, n][[2]][4]
sol[i][T, b, d, r, n]
does not work for i>0
It seems that the problem is where the solution from the previous iteration i-1
is used to set the initial conditions for current iterate i
, as marked in the code.
I imagine this will be trivial to troubleshoot for someone on here. Any advice is much appreciated.
, you can useDo
instead:Do[Subscript[y0, j] = 1;, {j, 50}]
Not really important here since there are only 50, but good practice in general so you don’t take up memory! $\endgroup$