This is in part some minor improvements in speed for ChrisK's good answer (+1), and in part an extended comment. To begin, using Subscript
variables generally is not a good idea in computations. Also, building Table
s inside NDSolve
often is slow, although it does not matter much here. With these changes, the question's code as optimized by ChrisK becomes
recovery = 1/100; θ = 1/2; n = 50; T = 2;
s = ConstantArray[{}, n];
var = Table[ {u[ i], r[i], sw[i]}, {i, n}] // Flatten ;
dvar = Table[{r[i][t], sw[ i][t]}, {i, n}] // Flatten;
eq = Table[With[{i = i}, {u[ i]'[t] == sw[ i][t] (- u[i][t] + 10^3),
r[i][0] == 0, u[i][0] == 0, sw[i][0] == 1,
WhenEvent[u[i][t] > θ, {u[i][t] -> 0, AppendTo[s[[i]], t],
r[i][t] -> t + recovery, sw[ i][t] -> 0}],
WhenEvent[t > r[i][t], sw[i][t] -> 1]}], {i, n}];
sol = NDSolve[eq, var, {t, 0, T}, DiscreteVariables -> dvar]; // AbsoluteTiming
Length[s // First]
(* {16.8441, Null} *)
(* 191 *)
which gives the desired answer in about seventeen seconds. As I noted in my earlier comment, this computation is very slow, because restarting the computation with WhenEvent
2*191 times results in many very small timesteps, 1791 in this case. In contrast, the computation requires only 49 timesteps and takes only about 0.03 seconds without WhenEvent
The runtime can be reduced by about 30% by using the option, "LocationMethod" -> "LinearInterpolation"
in WhenEvent
and requesting only modest accuracy from NDSolve
: AccuracyGoal -> 3, PrecisionGoal -> 3
. (Nerve cells do not fire with high precision anyway.) Doing so produces essentially the same answers as before but in about twelve seconds. It seems likely that choosing an optimal integration Method
will further reduce runtime. I say this based on the observation that the solution is almost always zero, punctuated by 191 evenly spaced spikes of width 10^-3 θ
. I tried several possibilities but only succeeded in increasing runtime.
I also tried eliminating the second WhenEvent
by using
u[i]'[t] == Piecewise[ {{(- u[i][t] + 10^3), t > r[i][t]}}, 0]
u[i]'[t] == If[t > r[i][t], (- u[i][t] + 10^3), 0]
but doing so increased runtime to a bit more than forty seconds. As noted in the question, Boole
is slower yet, although it certainly yields the correct answer.
Finally I would remark that the OP probably intends this question as a prototype for many coupled neurons (those in the question are uncoupled) firing at different times. To see the effect of neurons firing at different times, I used the initial condition, u[i][0] == θ (i - 1)/n
. Runtime increased to about 300 sec. All this suggests that computational models not involving NDSolve
should be investigated.
so much smaller thanT
forces theNDSolve
timesteps to be very small. For the parameters chosen,NDSolve
timesteps. WhenWhenEvent
is disabled, the number of timesteps drops to49
. This accounts for a factor of35
in runtime. But, there is another factor of20
to be accounted for. Probably, it is due to computing the precise times at whichWhenEvent
is triggered. $\endgroup$