
here is a shooting method solution right out of the docs:

sol = First[
  NDSolve[{x''[t] + Sin[x[t]] == 0 , x[0] == x[10] == 0}, x, t, 
   Method -> {"Shooting", 
     "StartingInitialConditions" -> { x'[0] == 1.666 }}]]
Plot[Evaluate[x[t] /. sol], {t, 0, 10}]

enter image description here

The shooting method is of course iterative, so how to monitor progress (initial condidion vs end condition )? I came up with this sort of hack approach and I wonder if there is a better way:

define a function that always returns zero, but saves what we want as a side effect:

zero[t_?NumericQ, x_, xp_] := 
     (If[t == 0, xp0 = xp, If[t == 10, Sow[{xp0,x}]]]; 0)

now add as a term in the equation (no effect on solution since its always 0):

r = Reap[NDSolve[{x''[t] + Sin[x[t]] == zero[t, x[t], x'[t]] , 
      x[0] == x[10] == 0}, x, t, 
        Method -> {"Shooting",
         "StartingInitialConditions" -> { x'[0] == 1.666}}]][[2, 1]];

ListPlot[r, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"x'[0]", "x[10]"},
      PlotRange -> {{1.5, 2}, Automatic}]

enter image description here

is there a better way? I tried working with WhenEvent with no luck..

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think ParametricNDSolve[] is way more convenient to use if you're performing manual shooting; that works with WhenEvent[] as well. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 17:38
  • $\begingroup$ I'm sure it is, but in this case I was trying to examine what the built in shooting method is doing. $\endgroup$
    – george2079
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 17:42

1 Answer 1


Maybe commandeer FindRoot with the Villegas-Gayley trick: Updated, with the order of the steps taken by FindRoot saved in icsteps. The results of FindRoot, as saved by NDSolve and shown below as DownValues[], have been sorted by Mathematica and are not in the order in which there were called. This update stores the order in icsteps.

Clear[x, t];
 FindRoot[f_, vars_, rest__] /; ! TrueQ[$in] := 
  Block[{$in = True, res},
   (* saved data: nf, objective, call, icsteps *)
   nf = f;                                   (* NumericalFunction (unused here) *)
   objective = DownValues @@ {Head@f["FunctionExpression"]}; (* expression used by f/nf *)
   call = Inactive[FindRoot][f, vars, rest]; (* intended call, minus the monitor below *)
   {res, icsteps} = Reap[
     Sow[vars[[1, 1]], "icsteps"];
     FindRoot[f, vars, rest, StepMonitor :> (Sow[#, "icsteps"] &)],
 sol = First[
   NDSolve[{x''[t] + Sin[x[t]] == 0, x[0] == x[10] == 0}, x, t, 
    Method -> {"Shooting", "StartingInitialConditions" -> {x'[0] == 1.666}}]];

The function passed to FindRoot:


Mathematica graphics

The actual call:

  "-NumericalFunctionData-"], {{{0., 1.666}}}, 
 "AccuracyGoal" -> 7.97729, "PrecisionGoal" -> 7.97729, 
 "MaxIterations" -> Automatic, 
 "Method" -> {"Newton", "StepControl" -> "TrustRegion"}, 
 "WorkingPrecision" -> MachinePrecision]

Forgot to add the NDSolve`Reinitialize call and results, which are memoized:

 HoldPattern[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`res$ = ndcall_Symbol[_Symbol]] :> 
  DownValues[ndcall], Infinity]
{{HoldPattern[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`sol$767038[{-0.151661, 1.86146}]] :>
     {{{-0.151661, 1.86146}, {0.127858, 1.86324}},
      {{{1., 0.}, {0., 1.}}, {{3.036, -25.0738}, {-0.288852, 2.71496}}}}, 
  ... a bunch of results from trial integrations...
  HoldPattern[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`sol$767038[{0., 1.87817}]] :>
     {{{0., 1.87817}, {-0.0000590907, 1.87817}},
      {{{1., 0.}, {0., 1.}}, {{1., -27.9028}, {0.000031445, 0.999123}}}}, 
    NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`sol$767038[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`ic$_?VectorQ]] :> 
     (NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`sol$767038[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`ic$] = 
      NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`tstate$ = 
         {NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`x$767038[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`ts$767038] == 
          NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`Y$767038[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`ts$767038] == 
      If[! ListQ[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`tstate$], Throw[$Failed]]; 
      NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`tstate$ = First[NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`tstate$]; 
      NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`sres$ = 
        All, 1 ;; NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`n$767038
       (Partition[#1, NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`n$767038] &) /@ 
         All, NDSolve`Shooting`ShootingDump`n$767038 + 1 ;; -1

As noted above, these downvalues do not show the order of the steps. The steps may be seen in icsteps:

  {{{0., 1.666}, {-0.00021824, 1.8383}, {-0.00124324, 1.83842},
    {-0.00327712, 1.83866}, {-0.00727959, 1.83913}, {-0.0150193, 1.84003},
    {-0.0294259, 1.84172}, {-0.0540885, 1.84465}, {-0.0974275, 1.8502},
    {-0.151661, 1.86146}, {-0.0495448, 1.87856}, {-6.93889*10^-18, 1.87882},
    {0., 1.87817}, {0., 1.87817}, {0., 1.87817}}}
  • $\begingroup$ Note: I orginally used Print instead of storing the arguments in variables. FindRoot is called only once. This is not clear from the present code. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 18:24

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