
I want to detect if a set of pairs, for example a={{2,5},{6,3},{1,4},{8,7}} contains a given pair, for example tabu={{4,1},{2,6}} but don´t be relevant the order inside pair (pair {i,j} is equal to {j,i}), so in this case.... YES!!! "a has an element of tabu.

That´s the only target.

So, Are there any function to do this directly?

I was thinking in a variable tabustatus = True if the big contains any pair of tabu, or tabustatus = False otherwise. Ordering previously the pairs for avoid the sort issue(no matter) any similar to:

a = {{1, 2}, {4, 3}, {3, 2}, {5, 2}};
tabu = {{2, 6}, {4, 1}};
asortg = Table[Sort[a[[i]], Greater], {i, 1, Length[a]}];
asortl = Table[Sort[a[[i]], Less], {i, 1, Length[a]}];
tabusortg = Table[Sort[tabu[[i]], Greater], {i, 1, Length[tabu]}];
tabusortl = Table[Sort[tabu[[i]], Less], {i, 1, Length[tabu]}];
Print["a...........", a];
Print["a - Greater.", asortg];
Print["a - Less....", asortl];
Print["tabu...........", tabu];
Print["tabu - Greater.", tabusortg];
Print["tabu - Less.....", tabusortl];
tabustatus = False;
Do[Do[Print["i..", i, "  j..", j];If[asortl[[i]] == tabusortl[[j]], Print[asortl[[i]], " - ", tabusortl[[j]]]; tabustatus = True; Break[], False]; If[tabustatus == True, Break[]], {i, 1, Length[asortl]}]; If[tabustatus == True, Break[]], {j, 1, Length[tabu]}];
Print["Tabu Status...", tabustatus];

In this case, I would need to add any Breaks[] to exit If... Do...Do... without continue searching,... since one time one is found,... TABUSTATUS=TRUE, We don´t need to continue searching.

Any faster and less tedious alternative?


3 Answers 3

Or @@ (MemberQ[Sort /@ tabu, #] & /@ Sort /@ a)

(* True *)

There are many ways to do this, above is fine for reasonable lists sizes, if your lists are large, there are faster methods.

  • $\begingroup$ Could you put the complete solution? because the other answer were delted. I think that There was an error, as you can see in sensa.square7.ch/hgjkhfhgf0.jpg $\endgroup$
    – Mika Ike
    Commented Apr 19, 2014 at 9:24
  • $\begingroup$ @MikaIke: Not sure if you're commenting @ me, mine gives correct True for the data in that image. Other answer was not mine... $\endgroup$
    – ciao
    Commented Apr 19, 2014 at 9:29
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, I only refered to whats before OR@@.... to be a function. For other visitors.The solution seems to be includes[list_, tabu_] := Or @@ (MemberQ[Sort /@ tabu, #] & /@ Sort /@ list) ....as rasher said, and other colleague puts other deleted answer. The other was erroneus, I think , as you see in sensa.square7.ch/hgjkhfhgf0.jpg $\endgroup$
    – Mika Ike
    Commented Apr 19, 2014 at 9:46
containsTabu = ContainsAny[Sort /@ #, Sort /@ #2]&;

containsTabu[a, tabu]


containsTabu[a, {{5,6},{2,3}}]



If you have large lists, than a faster approach is to use Nearest. Moreover, if you are checking membership with the same list multiple times, than this approach should be much faster. First, the OP example:

nf = Nearest[Sort /@ a -> "Index"];

!MatchQ[nf[Sort /@ tabu, {1, 0}], {{} ..}]


Now, for a much larger example:

a = RandomInteger[10^4, {10^6, 2}];
tabu = RandomInteger[10^8, {10^5, 2}];

nf = Nearest[Sort /@ a -> "Index"]; //AbsoluteTiming
!MatchQ[nf[Sort /@ tabu, {1, 0}], {{} ..}] //AbsoluteTiming

{0.385679, Null}

{0.042875, False}

A comparison with the other answers:

With[{s = Sort /@ tabu},
    Or @@ (MemberQ[s, #] & /@ Sort /@ a[[;;10^3]])
] //AbsoluteTiming (* ciao *)

containsTabu = ContainsAny[Sort/@#, Sort/@#2]&;

containsTabu[a, tabu] //AbsoluteTiming (* kglr *)

{25.0451, False}

{2.76778, False}


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