
For example, if we use some functions defined prior to Compile, we usually have the main evaluators in the compiled codes, pointing to the definition of the function.

f[t_] := If[t <= 1., Cos[t]*Sin[t], 0.]

 Compile[{{t, _Real}}, IdentityMatrix[2] -  f[t], 
  CompilationOptions -> {"InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True, 
    "InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True}]
      1 argument
      1 Integer register
      3 Real registers
      2 Tensor registers
      Underflow checking off
      Overflow checking off
      Integer overflow checking on
      RuntimeAttributes -> {}

      R0 = A1
      I0 = 2
      Result = T(R2)1

1 T(I2)0 = MainEvaluate[ Hold[IdentityMatrix][ I0]]
2 R1 = MainEvaluate[ Hold[f][ R0]]
3 R2 = - R1
4 T(R2)1 = R2 + T(I2)0
5 Return

We can avoid main evaluator by using Evaluate in the function, which specifically substidue the definition of the function. However, sometimes this introduces repeated code in the compiled results. For instance, in the following example, Evaluate simplify expands a number into a matrix and repeatedly calculated this expression for two times. We can see that the 26-50 lines of the compiled code are essentially the same as 1-25 lines.

 Compile[{{t, _Real}}, Evaluate[IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t + 1./2.]], 
  CompilationOptions -> {"InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True, 
    "InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True}]
      1 argument
      1 Boolean register
      1 Integer register
      12 Real registers
      3 Tensor registers
      Underflow checking off
      Overflow checking off
      Integer overflow checking on
      RuntimeAttributes -> {}

      R0 = A1
      I0 = 1
      R3 = 1.
      R4 = 7.
      R1 = 0.5
      R7 = 0.
      Result = T(R2)2

1 R2 = R1 + R0
2 B0 = R2 <= R3 (tol R4)
3 if[ !B0] goto 10
4 R2 = R1 + R0
5 R5 = Cos[ R2]
6 R6 = Sin[ R2]
7 R5 = R5 * R6
8 R6 = R5
9 goto 11
10    R6 = R7
11    R5 = - R6
12    R6 = I0
13    R6 = R6 + R5
14    R5 = R1 + R0
15    B0 = R5 <= R3 (tol R4)
16    if[ !B0] goto 23
17    R5 = R1 + R0
18    R8 = Cos[ R5]
19    R9 = Sin[ R5]
20    R8 = R8 * R9
21    R9 = R8
22    goto 24
23    R9 = R7
24    R8 = - R9
25    T(R1)0 ={ R6, R8 }
26    R6 = R1 + R0
27    B0 = R6 <= R3 (tol R4)
28    if[ !B0] goto 35
29    R6 = R1 + R0
30    R8 = Cos[ R6]
31    R9 = Sin[ R6]
32    R8 = R8 * R9
33    R9 = R8
34    goto 36
35    R9 = R7
36    R8 = - R9
37    R9 = R1 + R0
38    B0 = R9 <= R3 (tol R4)
39    if[ !B0] goto 46
40    R9 = R1 + R0
41    R10 = Cos[ R9]
42    R11 = Sin[ R9]
43    R10 = R10 * R11
44    R11 = R10
45    goto 47
46    R11 = R7
47    R10 = - R11
48    R11 = I0
49    R11 = R11 + R10
50    T(R1)1 ={ R8, R11 }
51    T(R2)2 ={ T(R1)0, T(R1)1 }
52    Return

So is there a way to fix this repeating?

Note that change only the argument of the external function, the behavior changes, why?

 Compile[{{t, _Real}}, Evaluate[IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t]], 
  CompilationOptions -> {"InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True, 
    "InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True}]
      1 argument
      1 Boolean register
      1 Integer register
      6 Real registers
      3 Tensor registers
      Underflow checking off
      Overflow checking off
      Integer overflow checking on
      RuntimeAttributes -> {}

      R0 = A1
      I0 = 1
      R1 = 1.
      R2 = 7.
      R5 = 0.
      Result = T(R2)2

1 B0 = R0 <= R1 (tol R2)
2 if[ !B0] goto 8
3 R3 = Cos[ R0]
4 R4 = Sin[ R0]
5 R3 = R3 * R4
6 R4 = R3
7 goto 9
8 R4 = R5
9 R3 = - R4
10    R4 = I0
11    R4 = R4 + R3
12    T(R1)0 ={ R4, R3 }
13    T(R1)1 ={ R3, R4 }
14    T(R2)2 ={ T(R1)0, T(R1)1 }
15    Return

3 Answers 3


For nicer inlining techniques, see my answer here

In what IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t] evaluates to, there is pretty much four times the same code.

IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t]

{{1 - If[t <= 1., Cos[t] Sin[t], 0.], -If[t <= 1., Cos[t] Sin[t], 0.]}, {-If[t <= 1., Cos[t] Sin[t], 0.], 1 - If[t <= 1., Cos[t] Sin[t], 0.]}}

I will inline f using DownValues. Throughout this answer, you should read a construction like g@@(Hold[...f[t]...]/.DownValues[f]) as g[...f[t]...], only realising that now f has been inlined. Sadly the syntax highlighter now makes the colours of the variables a bit confusing, but what can you do.

Note that a call to MainEvaluate to compute a big IdentityMatrix is not bad. It is also not so bad to calculate f[t] using MainEvaluate only once if the matrix is very large. But I am not sure if you have large matrices in mind, or if you are interested in generating small matrices quickly (a lot of times?).

Big matrices

The following code makes one call to MainEvaluate to get the IdentitiyMatrix. It only calculates the Sin and the Cos once.

f[t_] := If[t <= 1., Cos[t]*Sin[t], 0.]

cfu =
 Function[Null, Compile[{{t, _Real}}, #], HoldAll] @@
     IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t - 0.5]
     ] /. DownValues[f]

You could also write this like this if you prefer

specialReleaseHold[expr_] := Delete[expr, {0, 0}]

cfu2 =
   Unevaluated[{{t, _Real}}]
   Unevaluated @@
       IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t - 0.5]
       ] /. DownValues[f]

And we have

CompilePrint@cfu == CompilePrint@cfu2


ReleaseHold would actually do the same thing as specialReleaseHold here (in fact, everywhere in this answer), but in similar cases using ReleaseHold could be bad.

Another alternative (focussed on large matrices), using ConstantArray

cfu3 =
   Unevaluated[{{t, _Real}}],

   Unevaluated @@
       {res, i},
       res =
         -f[t - 0.5], {2, 2}
       For[i = 1, i <= 2, i++,
        res[[i, i]] += 1

      ] /. DownValues[f]

Small matrices

For small matrices we want to avoid MainEvaluate altogether. We could do

cfu4 =
    Unevaluated[{{t, _Real}}],
    Unevaluated @@
        Block[{res, term},
         term = -f[t - 0.5];
         res = {{1., 0.}, {0., 1.}};
         res + term
        ] /. DownValues[f]


Which somehow turns out to be faster than

cfu5 =
    Unevaluated[{{t, _Real}}],
    Unevaluated @@
         term = -f[t - 0.5];
         {{1. + term, 0. + term}, {0. + term, 1. + term}}
        ] /. DownValues[f]

As we will see further below, neither of these functions use MainEvaluate.

Uncompiled (small matrices)

We will see indeed that compiling pays off. For reference, we define the following function

fu =
       term = -f[t - 0.5];
       {{1. + term, 0. + term}, {0. + term, 1. + term}}
      ] /. DownValues[f]


cfu[2.] == cfu2[2.] == cfu3[2.] == cfu4[2.] == cfu5[2.] == fu[2.]==


cfu[0.1] == cfu2[0.1] == cfu3[0.1] == cfu4[0.1] == cfu5[0.1] == fu[0.1]


StringFreeQ[CompilePrint@#, "MainEvaluate"] & /@
 {cfu, cfu2, cfu3, 
  cfu4, cfu5}

{False, False, False, True, True}

Function[Do[#[0.1], {10000}] // Timing // First] /@ {cfu, cfu2, cfu3, 
  cfu4, cfu5, fu}

{0.023010, 0.020006, 0.024175, 0.009206, 0.011438, 0.077503}

  • $\begingroup$ Actually the who term thing isn't necessary. That is what I would do in C, but that's irrelevant. So you can get rid of the Block as well. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 14:23
  • $\begingroup$ What do you mean by "the term thing isn't necessary"? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 17, 2013 at 1:20
  • $\begingroup$ Actually it seems to have the same behavior(problem) as in the question: if you use f[t+0.5] instead of f[t], you get duplicated code in the compiled result. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 17, 2013 at 1:23
  • $\begingroup$ @xslittlegrass thanks for the reply, I will see whats wrong $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 17, 2013 at 12:19
  • $\begingroup$ @xslittlegrass I think I know what the problem is. The function I used did not have a Hold attribute, so things got evaluated. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 17, 2013 at 12:41

This answer deals only with f, not IdentityMatrix (which is sadly not compilable).

Compile is much better at extracting expressions form pure functions. If you are going to use InlineExternalDefinitions, consider making the external functions pure Functions.

In[10]:= Clear[f]

f = Function[t, If[t <= 1., Cos[t]*Sin[t], 0.]];

 Compile[{{t, _Real}}, IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t], 
  CompilationOptions -> {"InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True, 
    "InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True}]

Out[12]= "
        1 argument
        1 Boolean register
        1 Integer register
        7 Real registers
        2 Tensor registers
        Underflow checking off
        Overflow checking off
        Integer overflow checking on
        RuntimeAttributes -> {}

        R0 = A1
        R2 = 1.
        R3 = 7.
        I0 = 2
        R6 = 0.
        Result = T(R2)1

1   T(I2)0 = MainEvaluate[ Hold[IdentityMatrix][ I0]]
2   R1 = R0
3   B0 = R1 <= R2 (tol R3)
4   if[ !B0] goto 10
5   R4 = Cos[ R1]
6   R5 = Sin[ R1]
7   R4 = R4 * R5
8   R5 = R4
9   goto 11
10  R5 = R6
11  R1 = - R5
12  T(R2)1 = R1 + T(I2)0
13  Return
  • $\begingroup$ I am pretty sure the compiled function shares (as in shares the memory) the tensor that is produced by IdentityMatrix with the kernel. Would you not agree that there is little overhead in one call to MainEvaluate and that any compiled version of this would be hardly any faster? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 19:35
  • $\begingroup$ @JacobAkkerboom I really don't know. If it's a constant matrix, like here, and not generated by the compiled function, I'd just embed it. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 19:36
  • $\begingroup$ I think the memory is shared because of experiments I have done using MaxMemoryUsed, especially in cases where I "initialised" a large array using ConstantArray. But I may be wrong :). I agree about embedding the matrix. I may have jumped to the conclusion that the purpose was really to do this for larger matrices. If that is not the case, the overhead of one call to MainEvaluate may be significant. Oh well :) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 19:43
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @JacobAkkerboom Sorry, I wasn't clear in my comment. I am sure that the memory is shared. It's even shared in LibraryLink functions and I assume MVM compiled functions have a tighter integration into the kernel. What I meant by "I really don't know" is that I'm not sure how much the MainEvaluate overhead is. I've never measured. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Dec 16, 2013 at 19:57
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Looking at the bytecode, IdentityMatrix is called using opcode 47. So, the overhead of this call should really be very small, as it doesn't actually invoke the full evaluator, but rather jumps straight to the entry point of the IdentityMatrix function. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 18, 2013 at 13:42

The reason about change only the argument of the external function, the behavior changes may be related to the setting of "ExpressionOptimization" under CompilationOptions.

There is a related function called OptimizeExpression under Experimental` context, which I believe, according to this post by Daniel Lichtblau, is the one used by Compile for expression optimization.

OptimizeExpression can detect some common expressions in code:


OptimizeExpression[  IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t]  ]
    Block[{Compile`$8, Compile`$9}, 
      Compile`$8 = -If[t <= 1., Cos[t] Sin[t], 0.]; 
          Compile`$9 = 1 + Compile`$8;
      {{Compile`$9, Compile`$8}, {Compile`$8, Compile`$9}}

But somehow it fails to detect the common expression in IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t + 1./2.]:

OptimizeExpression[   IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t + 1./2.]   ]
  Block[{Compile`$5, Compile`$13, Compile`$18, Compile`$23},
  {{1 - If[0.5` + t <= 1.`, Compile`$5 = 0.5` + t; Cos[Compile`$5] Sin[Compile`$5], 0.`],

-If[0.5+ t <= 1., Compile$13 = 0.5 + t; Cos[Compile$13] Sin[Compile$13], 0.`]}, {-If[0.5` + t <= 1.`, Compile`$18 = 0.5` + t; Cos[Compile`$18] Sin[Compile`$18], 0.`], 1 - If[0.5` + t <= 1.`, Compile`$23 = 0.5` + t; Cos[Compile`$23] Sin[Compile`$23], 0.`] }} ]]

One of the possible (and hopefully temporary) solution would be substituting definition of f after the OptimizeExpression being applied:

compfunc = Compile[{{t, _Real}},
                                IdentityMatrix[2] - f[t + 1./2.]
                                ] /. f -> fTemp // ReleaseHold
                    ] /. fTemp[x_] :> With[{val = f[x]}, val /; True]

compfunc // CompilePrint

 1    R2 = R1 + R0
 2    B0 = R2 <= R3 (tol R4)
 3    if[ !B0] goto 9
 4    R5 = Cos[ R2]
 5    R6 = Sin[ R2]
 6    R5 = R5 * R6
 7    R6 = R5
 8    goto 10
 9    R6 = R7
 10   R5 = - R6
 11   R8 = I0
 12   R8 = R8 + R5
 13   T(R1)0 ={ R8, R5 }
 14   T(R1)1 ={ R5, R8 }
 15   T(R2)2 ={ T(R1)0, T(R1)1 }
 16   Return
  • $\begingroup$ @xslittlegrass You're welcome :) Still I don't know why OptimizeExpression failed in the second example... $\endgroup$
    – Silvia
    Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 3:04

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