When Mathematica tries to pull the fraction apart, it gets
$$\mathcal{L}_t\left[\frac{1-\cos(t)}{t}\right](s)=\mathcal{L}_t\left[\frac{1}{t}\right](s) - \mathcal{L}_t\left[\frac{\cos(t)}{t}\right](s)$$
While the cosine term has a Laplace-transform, $1/t$ doesn't have a transform. That might be the reason why Mathematica cannot solve it. The problem is, that the $1/t$ term has a singularity at 0:
Limit[1/t, t -> 0, Direction -> -1]
(* ∞ *)
while the complete expression doesn't
Limit[(1 - Cos[t])/t, t -> 0, Direction -> -1]
(* 0 *)
On the other hand, calculating the back-transform works:
InverseLaplaceTransform[1/2 Log[1 + 1/s^2], s, t] // FullSimplify
(* (1 - Cos[t])/t *)
What you can do is the following. You expand your formula into a series
Series[(1 - Cos[t])/t, {t, 0, 10}] // Normal
(* t/2 - t^3/24 + t^5/720 - t^7/40320 + t^9/3628800 *)
then you use LaplaceTransform
LaplaceTransform[%, t, s]
(* 1/(10 s^10) - 1/(8 s^8) + 1/(6 s^6) - 1/(4 s^4) + 1/(2 s^2) *)
we see that this sum is pretty easy, so we write it down and let Mathematica calculate the value:
Sum[(-1)^(i/2 + 1)/(i*s^i), {i, 2, Infinity, 2}]
(* 1/2 Log[(1 + s^2)/s^2] *)
and that is why it did not do it. May be it used a lookup table and found that. But I do not know why it worked when doing direct integration when thecos
term is there. $\endgroup$2 LaplaceTransform[Haversine[t]/t,t,s]
returns the desired result. $\endgroup$