The purpose is for a numerical illustration of alternative approaches to defining matrix function $f$. We can either integrate around poles of $f(z)$ or poles of $(zI-A)^{-1}$ (proof)
Below is an example of findingthat works for a simple rectangular contour enclosing points2
, which ends up catching points insidehowever, for other choices of points1
as well$f$, may need to use non-rectangular contour, and I was looking or an easy way to construct such.
points1 = {-1.6300469260320778`,(*** -0.7155740724749874`,Utilities \**)
SF = {-1.7294442310677054` - StringForm;
sum[mat_] 0.8889743761218658`:= ITotal[mat, -1.7294442310677054` + 2];
0.8889743761218658` I, -0.27055576893229455` -
(* given set of 2.5047759043624347`imaginary Ipoints, -0.27055576893229455` +
find bounds suitable for 2.5047759043624347`\
ComplexPlot I};*)
enclosingBounds[zs_, margin_] := (
marginVec = {-margin, margin};
points = ReIm[zs];
{xb, yb} = {MinMax[First /@ points] + marginVec,
MinMax[Last /@ points] + marginVec};
{First[xb] + I First[yb], Last[xb] + I Last[yb]});
points1G = {Red, Sequence @@ (Circle[#, .1] & /@ ReIm@points1)};
points2G = {Green, Sequence @@
(Circle[#,* .05]Clockwise &contour /@going ReIm@points2)};
(*Returnsaround clockwise4 contourpoints fordefining givenbounds bounds**)
boundsToContour[bounds_] := (
xb = First /@ (ReIm /@ bounds);
yb = Last /@ (ReIm /@ bounds);
contour = {{First[xb], First[yb]}, {First[xb],
Last[yb]}, {Last[xb], Last[yb]}, {Last[xb],
First[yb]}, {First[xb], First[yb]}};
#1 + I #2 & @@@ contour
(*** Main ***)
A = {points1G{1, points2G4, 16}, {18, 20, 4}, {-12, -14, -7}};
d = Arrow[ReImLength[A];
ones = ConstantArray[1, {d}];
ii = DiagonalMatrix[ones];
(* Define ration function f *)
P = t |-> t + 3;
Q = t |-> 1 + t + t^2/2;
f = t |-> P[t]/Q[t];
F[A_] := MatrixFunction[f, A];
eigs = Eigenvalues[A];
roots = t /. {ToRules@Roots[Q[t] == 0, t]};
rootsG = Sequence @@ (Disk[#, .1] & /@ boundsToContour@enclosingBounds[points2ReIm@roots);
eigsG = Sequence @@ (Disk[#, .1]]1] & /@ ReIm@eigs);
doPlot[contour_, contourName_] := (
epilog := {Magenta, rootsG, Blue, eigsG, Arrow[ReIm /@ contour]}];
g[z_] := (f[z] Inverse[z ii - A]);
int =
Chop@(1/(2 Pi I)) NIntegrate @@ {g[z], {z, Sequence @@ contour}};
zbounds = enclosingBounds[roots~Join~eigs, 2];
ComplexPlot @@ {sum@g@z,
{z, Sequence @@ zbounds},
Epilog -> epilog,
PlotLabel ->
SF["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Integral]\), \
\(``\)]\)f[z](z-A\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\()\), \(-1\)]\)=``",
contourName, Chop@int]
Print["A=", MatrixForm@A];
Print["f=", f[t]];
Print["MatrixFunction f(A): ", N@MatrixForm@F[A]]
rootContour = boundsToContour@enclosingBounds[roots, 1];
doPlot[rootContour, "poles of f"]
eigContour = Reverse@boundsToContour@enclosingBounds[eigs, 1];
doPlot[eigContour, "poles of resolvent of A"]
Background -- different sets of poles give different ways of computing the same resultNotebook