I have two plots, as seen below, Plot1 and Plot2 with a common x-axis. Each plot has a different range of y-axis and I overlay them. I want to remove the minor ticks from the frames of each plot and then overlay. How do I do this?
xaxis1 = 0;
xaxis2 = #Both0.04;
yaxis1 Plot1= and0;
yaxis2 Plot2= have550;
PlotA a= commonPlot[{5000*Sa y+ 100 }, {Sa, xaxis1, xaxis2 },
PlotStyle -axis> rangingRed, from
0 toPlotRange 0.4-> {{xaxis1, xaxis2}, {yaxis1, yaxis2}},
LabelStyle -> Plot1{FontSize -> 12, Bold}, Frame -> True]
yaxis1 = Show[PlotA0;
yaxis2 = 0.8;
PlotB = Plot[{Sa^2 + Sa }, {Sa, xaxis1, xaxis2 }, PlotStyle -> Blue,
PlotRange -> {{xaxis1, xaxis2}, {yaxis1, yaxis2}},
LabelStyle -> {FontSize -> 10.512, Bold}, Frame -> True]
Plot1 = Show[PlotA, LabelStyle -> {FontSize -> 10.5, Bold},
Frame -> {{True, False}, {True, True}}, ImagePadding -> 40,
FrameTicks -> {{All, All}, {All, None}}, AspectRatio -> 1];
##Plot1 y range is from 0 to 550 needed with breaks on 100
Plot2 = Show[PlotB,
LabelStyle -> {FontSize -> 10.5, Bold},
FrameTicks -> {{None, All}, {None, All}},
Frame -> {{False, True}, {False, False}}, ImagePadding -> 40,
FrameStyle -> {{Automatic, Blue}, {Automatic, Automatic}},
AspectRatio -> 1];
##Plot2 y range is from 0 to 0.8 needed with breaks on 0.2
Overlay[{Plot1, Plot2}]