I find six distinct solutions for T = 1/10
at high working precision:
eq[x_, k_, T_] := -Sin[3*k + x]/Sin[2*k + x] + z + 2*Cos[k] +
T^2 + (A*T^2*Sin[k]^2)/(Sin[2*k + x]^2 + B*T^4*Sin[k]^2) /.
{A -> 1/2, B -> 1/100000, z -> -237/100};
x0 = 1;
wp = 100; (* working precision *)
k0 = k /. NSolve[{eq[x, k, 1/10] == 0 /. x -> x0, 0 < k < Pi}, (* six roots *)
k, WorkingPrecision -> wp];
ndsol = First@NDSolve[{
D[eq[x, k[x], 1/10], x] == 0,
k[x0] == #},
k, {x, 0, Pi},
PrecisionGoal -> 20, WorkingPrecision -> wp] & /@ k0,
{Power::infy, Infinity::indet}];
k["Domain"] /. ndsol // N
(* messages Power::infy, Infinity::indet, NDSolve::ndsz,... omitted *)
(* Domains of solutions:
{{{0., 3.14159}}, {{0., 3.14159}}, {{0., 3.14159}},
{{8.10181*10^-99, 3.14159}}, {{4.85285*10^-55, 3.14159}},
{{7.61263*10^-99, 3.14159}}}
ListLinePlot[k /. ndsol, PlotLegends -> Thread[k[x0] == N@k0], ImageSize -> Large]
Two pair are close to each other but distinct. For instance:
eq[1, k, 1/10], {k, k0[[2]] - 1*^-7, k0[[2]] + 1*^-7, 1*^-9}],
GridLines -> {k0, None},
DataRange -> {k0[[2]] - 1*^-7, k0[[2]] + 1*^-7}]
eq[1, k, 1/10], {k, k0[[3]] - 1*^-7, k0[[3]] + 1*^-7, 1*^-9}],
GridLines -> {k0, None},
DataRange -> {k0[[3]] - 1*^-7, k0[[3]] + 1*^-7}]