I have the following plot showing six curves. The curves "DotDashed Blue and Red" correspond to p=ap=a
, "Solid Orange and Magenta" correspond to p=bp=b
, and, "Dashed Purple and Gray" correspond to p=cp=c
. I want to label these cases in a single Legend as shown
p1 = Plot[{Exp[-x] Sin[5 x], -Exp[-x] Sin[5 x]}, {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]},
PlotRange -> All,
PlotStyle -> {{Red, DotDashed}, {Blue, DotDashed}}];
p2 = Plot[{2 Exp[-x] Sin[5 x], -2 Exp[-x] Sin[5 x]}, {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]},
PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> {Magenta, Orange}];
p3 = Plot[{4 Exp[-x] Sin[5 x], -4 Exp[-x] Sin[5 x]}, {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]},
PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> {{Purple, Dashed}, {Gray, Dashed}}];
join = Show[p3, p2, p1];
ImageSize ->
300], {{{Graphics[{{Red, Blue}, DotDashed, Thickness[0.115],
Line[{{0, 0}, {2, 0}}]}],
Style["p=a", FontFamily -> "Arial", Italic,
FontSize -> 8]}, {Graphics[{{Purple, Orange}, Thickness[0.115],
Line[{{0, 0}, {2, 0}}]}],
Style["p=b", FontFamily -> "Arial", Italic,
FontSize -> 8]}, {Graphics[{{Magenta, Gray}, Dashed,
Thickness[0.115], Line[{{0, 0}, {2, 0}}]}],
Style["p=c", FontFamily -> "Arial", Italic, FontSize -> 8]}},
LegendLabel -> "" , LegendPosition -> {0.461, 0.340},
LegendSize -> {0.45, 0.3}, LegendShadow -> False}]