
I wish to make a replacement inside a held expression:

f[x_Real] := x^2;
Hold[{2., 3.}] /. n_Real :> f[n]

The desired output is Hold[{4., 9.}], but I get Hold[{f[2.], f[3.]}] instead. What is the best way to make such a replacement without evaluation of the held expression?


5 Answers 5


Generally, you want the Trott-Strzebonski in-place evaluation technique:

Hold[{Hold[2.],Hold[3.]}]/.n_Real:>With[{eval = f[n]},eval/;True]

(* Hold[{Hold[4.],Hold[9.]}] *)

It will inject the evaluated r.h.s. into an arbitrarily deep location in the held expression, where the expression was found that matched the rule pattern. This is in contrast with Evaluate, which is only effective on the first level inside Hold (won't work in the example above). Note that you may evaluate some things and not evaluate others:

g[x_] := x^3;
Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> With[{eval = f[n]}, g[eval] /; True]

(* Hold[{Hold[g[4.]], Hold[g[9.]]}] *)

The basic idea is to exploit the semantics of rules with local variables shared between the body of With and the condition, but within the context of local rules. The eval variable will be evaluated first (regardless of whether the condition ends up being True - as in this case, or False - thanks to @luyuwuli for pointing out the problem in the original wording for this part) , inside the declaration part of With, while the code inside the Condition , here the body of With (g[eval]), is treated then as normally the r.h.s. of RuleDelayed is. It is important that With is used, since it can inject into unevaluated expressions. Module and Block also have the shared variable semantics, but wouldn't work here: while their declaration part would evaluate, they would not be able to communicate that result to their body that remains unevaluated (more precisely, only the part of the body that is inside Condition will remain unevaluated - see below). The body of With above was not evaluated either, however With injects the evaluated part ( eval here) into it - this is why the g function above remained unevaluated when the rule applied. This can be further illustrated by the following:

   With[{eval = eval},g[eval]/;True]]

(* Hold[{Hold[g[4.]],Hold[g[9.]]}] *)

Note b.t.w. that only the part of code inside With that is inside Condition is considered a part of the "composite rule" and therefore not evaluated. So,

Hold[{Hold[2.],Hold[3.]}]/.n_Real:>Module[{eval = f[n]},
    With[{eval = eval},Print[eval];g[eval]/;True]]

(* print: 4. *)
(* print: 9. *)
(* Hold[{Hold[g[4.]],Hold[g[9.]]}] *)


Hold[{Hold[2.],Hold[3.]}]/.n_Real:>Module[{eval = f[n]},
   With[{eval = eval},(Print[eval];g[eval])/;True]]

(* Hold[{Hold[Print[4.];g[4.]],Hold[Print[9.];g[9.]]}] *)

This should further clarify this mechanism.

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ The Trott-Strzebonski method looks a bit magical. Could you please explain how it works? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 9, 2011 at 8:18
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Alexey I updated my post with some explanation. It may not be completely satisfactory, but this is how I think of it currently. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 9, 2011 at 10:54
  • $\begingroup$ Why Condition inside With forces evaluation not only With (with except to the Condition) but also enclosing Module? Without the Condition the r.h.s of the rule stay completely unevaluated. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 10, 2011 at 4:03
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ @Alexey For the same reason as when you define a global function as f[x_]:=Module[{var = x^2},With[{var = var},Hold[var]/;var>10]]. What happens is that everything in the enclosing scoping constructs that does not go into Condition gets evaluated - this is needed to compute the result of test in Condition. The semantics of rules with shared local variables is different from the standard rule-substitution semantics, this is what makes all these things possible. The further non-triviality of Trott-Strzebonski technique is that local rules are used, so all expression levels are accessible. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 10, 2011 at 7:45
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ +1 The Trott-Strzebonski technique appears to be the officially sanctioned solution. You may have some academic interest in my response which discusses a technique involving the unofficial, unsupported symbol RuleCondition. $\endgroup$
    – WReach
    Commented Oct 6, 2011 at 20:40

RuleCondition provides an undocumented, but very convenient, way to make replacements in held expressions. For example, if we want to square the odd integers in a held list:

Hold[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}] /. n_Integer :> RuleCondition[n^2, OddQ[n]]
(* Hold[{1, 2, 9, 4, 25}] *)

RuleCondition differs from Condition in that the replacement expression is evaluated before it is substituted. The second argument of RuleCondition may be omitted, defaulting to True:

Hold[{2., 3.}] /. n_Real :> RuleCondition[n^2]
(* Hold[{4., 9.}] *)

It is very unfortunate that RuleCondition has remained undocumented for so long, given its extreme usefulness. The Trott-Strzebonski trick discussed in @Leonid's answer is one way to achieve the same result using only documented symbols:

Hold[{2., 3.}] /. n_Real :> With[{eval = n^2}, eval /; True]
(* Hold[{4., 9.}] *)

A slightly less verbose technique uses Block:

Hold[{2., 3.}] /. n_Real :> Block[{}, n^2 /; True]
(* Hold[{4., 9.}] *)

Judicious use of Trace reveals that both of these techniques ultimately resolve to RuleCondition. One must make up one's mind whether it is better to use the undocumented RuleCondition or rely upon implementation artifacts in With and Block. I suspect that the behaviour is unlikely to change in all three cases as so much Mathematica code depends upon the existing behaviour.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Great analysis! It is unbelievable that WRI had published the Trott-Strzebonski trick but still hide this convenient function! Unbelievable but true... $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 6, 2011 at 20:21
  • $\begingroup$ @Alexey I think that Leonid's response better qualifies as the accepted answer as the Trott-Strzebonski trick seems to be as close as one is going to come to an officially sanctioned technique. I discuss RuleCondition mainly out of academic interest. $\endgroup$
    – WReach
    Commented Oct 6, 2011 at 20:42
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Well. But RuleCondition is really straightforward and includes no magic and as you mentioned the Trott-Strzebonski trick relies on this function too. Probably we can use RuleCondition without risk. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 7, 2011 at 3:47

Although less magical, it can be done by ReplacePart

expr = Hold[{2, 3, 4, 5}]
pos = Position[expr, _Integer]
newparts = Extract[expr, pos] /. n_Integer :> n^2
ReplacePart[expr, Thread[pos -> newparts]]

Based on solutions proposed by @Leonid and @WReach I have noticed something peculiar with the use of Block and With for the Trott-Strzebonski solution.

Consider the following code:

f[x_] := x^2;
g[x_] := x^3;

Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> With[{eval = (g@*f)[n]},
Print[eval]; eval /; True

this will yield:

Hold[{Hold[64.], Hold[729.]}]

using Block will give the same result as above.

Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> Block[{eval = (g@*f)[n]},
Print@eval; eval /; True

Hold[{Hold[64.], Hold[729.]}]

However, things become strange - as @Leonid pointed out - with the use of Composite expression in Condition:

using With prevents the evaluation of Print

Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> With[{eval = (g@*f)[n]},
(Print[eval]; eval) /; True

(* Hold[{Hold[Print[64.]; 64.], Hold[Print[729.]; 729.]}] *)

However, with the use of Block the Print statements get evaluated

Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> Block[{eval = (g@*f)[n]},
(Print@eval; eval) /; True

Hold[{Hold[64.], Hold[729.]}]

Now one begins to wonder how RuleCondition - as mentioned by @WReach - will behave with Composite expression

Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> RuleCondition[Print[(g@*f)[n]]; (g@*f)[n]]

Hold[{Hold[64.], Hold[729.]}]

It turns out that RuleCondition behaves in a similar way to Block

So perhaps not a million dollar but a $5 question: Which one to use (Block, RuleCondition or With)?

In my opinion both have their own advantages. For instance, With will allow you to evaluate a part of the expression and at the same time inject unevaluated code in the substitution process.

With will enable code injection

Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> With[{eval = (g@*f)[n]},
(g[eval]; eval) /; True
(* Hold[{Hold[g[64.]; 64.], Hold[g[729.]; 729.]}] *)

In the example above (in spirit with what @Leonid mentioned) we substituted the Reals and also injected code that remained unevaluated i.e. g[64] and g[729]

Block and RuleCondition together with Sow and Reap

However, if the goal is to evaluate some code while making substitution 'Block` can be quite effective:

Reap[Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> Block[{eval = (g@*f)[n]},
  (Sow[PrimeQ@eval]; eval) /; True
  ]][[2, 1]]
(* {False,False} *)

 Hold[{Hold[2.], Hold[3.]}] /. n_Real :> Block[{eval = (g@*f)[n]},
 (Sow[EvenQ[Round@eval]]; eval) /; True]
(* {Hold[{Hold[64.], Hold[729.]}], {{True, False}}} *)   

In the example above we could the result whether eval generates a Prime whenever the substitution is made. Likewise, this can be achieved using RuleCondition.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Also discussed here. Note that With doesn't evaluate its second argument at all (it becomes evaluated after leaving With), while Block evaluates it. This helps to understand the difference you describe. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 9, 2017 at 17:30
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexeyPopkov thanks for pointing me to it ! $\endgroup$
    – Ali Hashmi
    Commented Dec 9, 2017 at 17:52

Trott-Strzebonski is great, but there is a case when some additional trick is required. At least I couldn't figure this out any other way...

Consider this slightly silly example. You have some expression/association/data structure etc. containing some code with side-effects or undesirable evaluation (basically anything that is ValueQ).

code = <|a :> Echo[1], b :> 1 + 2|>

So the only safe way to extract it is to use extra head argument to Lookup with Hold.

Lookup[code, a, None, Hold]
(* Hold[Echo[1]] *)

Or any other head with HoldAll. And there are other functions with the head argument exist for this exact purpose, another example would be Extract and ToExpression.

The goal is to insert values from code into another held expression based on keys without evaluating anything, like here:

expr = Hold[b, a + b]
(* Hold[1 + 2, Echo[1] + (1 + 2)]*)

Applying Trott-Strzebonski naively trying Unevaluated doesn't quite get there:

Hold[b, a + b] /. key_ /; KeyExistsQ[code, key] :> 
  With[{y = Unevaluated @@ Lookup[code, key, None, Hold]}, y /; True]

(* Hold[Unevaluated[1 + 2], Unevaluated[Echo[1]] + Unevaluated[1 + 2]] *)

One can use Position + Extract + ReplacePart here of course with some convoluted expression handling to make delayed rules for ReplacePart:

pos = Position[expr, key_ /; KeyExistsQ[code,key]]
With[{newparts = Flatten[Hold @@ (Lookup[code, #, None, Hold] & @@@ Extract[expr, pos, Hold])]},
  ReplacePart[expr, List @@ Thread[Hold @@ pos :> newparts, Hold]]

But here is another trick:

Hold[b, a + b] /. key_ /; KeyExistsQ[code, key] :> With[{
    bind = Function[Null, Unevaluated[{y := #}], HoldAll] @@
        Lookup[code, key, None, Hold]
    With[bind, y /; True]

The idea is to make a delayed unevaluated binding and then use Trott-Strzebonski with it!

I'm quite surprised it works, I figured it out recently myself and it doesn't seem to work with RuleCondition for some reason too.

One more extra note: instead of Function[Null, ..., HoldAll], GeneralUtilities`HoldFunction can be useful.

Just realized how silly this particular example is because association already provides you with the rules and one can just do:

expr /. code

But if the code was instead something like Hold[Echo[1], 1 + 2] and a procedure of extracting subcode from it depended on LHS of a rule and Extract[code, ...] in a much more complicated fashion, then this trick would still work.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You could use $ConditionHold here: Hold[ b, a + b ] /. key_ :> RuleCondition[ Lookup[ code, key, None, $ConditionHold ], KeyExistsQ[ code, key ] ] $\endgroup$
    – rhennigan
    Commented Sep 3 at 13:55
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Note that you'll probably want Unevaluated[key] instead of key on the rhs to avoid evaluation leaks. $\endgroup$
    – rhennigan
    Commented Sep 3 at 13:58

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