After several discussions, I would like to focus on the robustness of solving 2D+1 PDE by considering all suggested methods from @xzczd (see here) I found that the Ratio between the convection term and diffusion is crucial. Here is the code.
Clear[tosameorder, fix]
tosameorder[state_NDSolve`StateData, order_] :=
state /. a_NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivativeFunction :>
a@"Coordinates", "DifferenceOrder" -> order,
PeriodicInterpolation -> a@"PeriodicInterpolation"]
fix[endtime_, order_] :=
Module[{state =
First[NDSolve`ProcessEquations @@ Unevaluated@ndsolve],
newstate}, newstate = tosameorder[state, order];
NDSolve`Iterate[newstate, endtime];
Unevaluated[ndsolve][[2]] /. NDSolve`ProcessSolutions@newstate],
a = 1;
T = 1;
ωb = -15; ωt = 15;
A = 6.5;
γ = .1;
kT = 0.1;
φ = 0;
With[{u = u[t,θ, ω]},
eq = D[u, t] == -D[ω u,θ] - D[-A Sin[3θ] u, ω] + γ (1 + Sin[3θ]) kT D[
u, {ω, 2}] + γ (1 + Sin[3θ]) D[ω u, ω];
ic = u == E^(-((ω^2 +(θ+Pi/4)^2)/(2 a^2))) 1/(2 π a) /. t -> 0];
ufun = NDSolveValue[{eq, ic, u[t, -π, ω] == u[t, π, ω],
u[t,θ, ωb] == 0, u[t,θ, ωt] == 0}, u, {t, 0, T}, {θ, -π, π}, {ω, ωb, ωt},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid",
"MaxPoints" -> {81, 51},
"MinPoints" -> {41, 31}}}]; // AbsoluteTiming
plots = Table[
Plot3D[Abs[ufun[t,θ, ω]], {θ, -π, π}, {ω, ωb, ωt}, AxesLabel -> Automatic,
PlotPoints -> 30, BoxRatios -> {Pi, ωb, 1},
ColorFunction -> "LakeColors", PlotRange -> All], {t, 0, T,
T/10}]; // AbsoluteTiming
One can see that the coefficient of diffusion term (2nd-order term) is really small ($0.1*0.1*sin(3\theta)$) especially when $sin(3\theta)=-1$, how could it possible satisfy the Courant condition with such vanishing diffusion term?
What I expect is the something similar to following (obtain by adding artificial diffusion)
The main question is the robustness about solving this partially convection-dominated problem in a efficient and stable way. Many thanks.
Note about artificial diffusion:
Max[γ[θ], 0.3] D[ u, {ω, 2}]
This is how I put the artificial diffusion. But for the problem, the angle-dependent diffusion and convection are different.
Full code is here, it's a little bit messy:
(*////////////////////////////////////// parameters \
n = 3;
ϕ = π/2; vg0 = 5;
vg[t_] := vg[t] = vg0;
τi = 3; Γ = 10;
Vb = 0; μ[α_] := (-1)^(α + 1) Vb/2 ;
XTicks1 = Table[2 π*j, {j, -10, 10}];
XTicks2 = Table[π/6*j, {j, -10, 10}];
YTicks = Table[2 π*j, {j, -10, 10}];
(*////////////////////////////////////// Karrasch poles and \
coefficients \
Np = 25; M = 2 Np;
B = Normal[
SparseArray[{Band[{2, 1}] ->
Table[N[1/(2 Sqrt[(2 n - 1) (2 n + 1)])], {n, 1, M - 1}],
Band[{1, 2}] ->
Table[N[1/(2 Sqrt[(2 n - 1) (2 n + 1)])], {n, 1, M - 1}]}, M]];
{bvals, bvecs} = Eigensystem[B];
Zp = Table[Abs[N[1/bvals[[2 p]]]], {p, 1, Np}];
Rp = Table[
N[(Normalize[bvecs[[2 p]]][[1]]/(2 bvals[[2 p]]))^2], {p, 1, Np}];
σ0[θ_, V_, τ0_, Γ_,
Vg_, ϕ_] := σ0[θ, V, τ0, Γ,
Vg, ϕ] =
1/2 - I/(
4 π) (PolyGamma[
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] -
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] -
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)]);
τ[θ_, V_, τ0_, Γ_,
Vg_, ϕ_] := τ[θ, V, τ0, Γ,
Vg, ϕ] = -τ0 n (Cos[n θ + ϕ] -
Cos[n θ]) σ0[θ,
V, τ0, Γ, Vg, ϕ];
σ1[θ_, V_, τ0_, Γ_,
Vg_, ϕ_] := σ1[θ, V, τ0, Γ,
Vg, ϕ] =
1/(8 π^2 Γ)*(PolyGamma[1,
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)]) - \!\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(∑\), \(p =
1\), \(Np\)]\(Rp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)] \((
\*SuperscriptBox[\((τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) - V/2 +
Vg)\), \(2\)] \((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\) -
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(3\)]\),
\*SuperscriptBox[\((\ τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) - V/2 + Vg)\), \(2\)] +
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(2\)])\), \(3\)]] +
\*SuperscriptBox[\((τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) + V/2 +
Vg)\), \(2\)] \((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\) -
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(3\)]\),
\*SuperscriptBox[\((\ τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) + V/2 + Vg)\), \(2\)] +
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(2\)])\), \(3\)]])\)\)\);
Uprime[θ_, τ0_, ϕ_] := τ0 n Cos[n θ];
mol[m_Integer, n_Integer] := {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid", "MaxPoints" -> m,
"MinPoints" -> n}}
τeff =
FunctionInterpolation[-τi n Cos[n θ] + τ[θ,
Vb, τi, Γ,
vg0, ϕ], {θ, -π, π}];
γ =
FunctionInterpolation[(τi n (Cos[n θ + ϕ] -
Cos[n θ]))^2 σ1[θ,
Vb, τi, Γ,
vg0, ϕ], {θ, -π, π}, AccuracyGoal -> 5,
InterpolationPrecision -> MachinePrecision];
Plot[{τeff[θ], γ[θ]}, {θ, -π, \
π}, PlotRange -> All]
a = 0.7;
T = 20;
ωb = -8;
ωt = 8;
θ0 = -π/4;
L = 1;
With[{u = u[t, θ, ω]},
eq = D[u, t] == -ω D[ u, θ] -
1/L*τeff[θ] D[u, ω] +
Re[γ[θ]] D[ ω u, ω] +
Max[γ[θ], 0.3] D[ u, {ω, 2}];
ic = u ==
E^(-(ω^2 + (θ + π/
4)^2)/(2 a^2))/(2 π a^2) /. t -> 0];
ufun = NDSolveValue[{eq, ic,
u[t, -π, ω] == u[t, π, ω],
u[t, θ, ωb] == 0, u[t, θ, ωt] == 0},
u, {t, 0,
T}, {θ, -π, π}, {ω, ωb, ωt},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid",
"MaxPoints" -> {41, 61}, "MinPoints" -> {41, 61},
"DifferenceOrder" -> 4}}]; // AbsoluteTiming
plots = Table[
ufun[t, θ, ω]], {θ, -π, π}, {\
ω, ωb, ωt}, PlotRange -> All,
AxesLabel -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> 30,
ColorFunction -> "LakeColors"], {t, 0, T,
T/50}]; // AbsoluteTiming
ListAnimate[plots] // AbsoluteTiming
Stable Julia code for the same problem: Matrix of 2D+1 PDE
function F_eff(x, Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A)
return -A*sin(x + Delta)
# effective friction
function gamma_eff(x, Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A)
return Gamma
# effective diffusion
function D_eff(x, Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A, kBT)
return 2.0*kBT*Gamma
function make_FPE_matrix(xi,vj,Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A, kBT)
Nx = length(xi)
Nv = length(vj)
hx = xi[2]-xi[1]
hv = vj[2]-vj[1]
mat = zeros(Float64, Nx*Nv+1, Nx*Nv)
for i=0:(Nx-1)
for j=0:(Nv-1)
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1,i*(Nv)+j+1] = -D_eff( xi[i+1], Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A, kBT)/(4*hv^2)
# -d/dx (v P)
if i == 0
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (Nx-1)*(Nv)+j+1] = vj[j+1]/(2*hx) # PBC
if i > 0
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (i-1)*(Nv)+j+1] = vj[j+1]/(2*hx)
if i < Nx-1
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (i+1)*(Nv)+j+1] = -vj[j+1]/(2*hx)
if i == Nx-1
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (0)*(Nv)+j+1] = -vj[j+1]/(2*hx) # PBC
if j > 0
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (i)*(Nv)+(j-1)+1] = F_eff(xi[i+1],Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A)/(2*hv) -
gamma_eff(xi[i+1],Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A)*vj[j+1-1]/(2*hv)
if j> 1
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (i)*(Nv)+(j-2) + 1] = 0.5*D_eff(xi[i+1], Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A, kBT)/(4*hv^2)
if j < Nv-1
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (i)*(Nv)+(j+1)+1] = -F_eff(xi[i+1],Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A)/(2*hv) +
gamma_eff(xi[i+1], Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A)*vj[j+1+1]/(2*hv)
if j < Nv-2
mat[i*(Nv)+j+1, (i)*(Nv)+(j+2)+1] = 0.5*D_eff(xi[i+1], Gamma, Delta, Q, EpOm, A, kBT)/(4*hv^2)
for i = 1:Nx*Nv
mat[end,i] = hx*hv
return mat
Update (9/4) I try to run the compiled code (with VS2017 community). Here is my code:
(*////////////////////////////////////// parameters \
n = 3;
ϕ = π/2; vg0 = 5;
vg[t_] := vg[t] = vg0;
τi = 3; Γ = 10;
Vb = 0; μ[α_] := (-1)^(α + 1) Vb/2 ;
XTicks1 = Table[2 π*j, {j, -10, 10}];
XTicks2 = Table[π/6*j, {j, -10, 10}];
YTicks = Table[2 π*j, {j, -10, 10}];
(*////////////////////////////////////// Karrasch poles and \
coefficients \
Np = 25; M = 2 Np;
B = Normal[
SparseArray[{Band[{2, 1}] ->
Table[N[1/(2 Sqrt[(2 n - 1) (2 n + 1)])], {n, 1, M - 1}],
Band[{1, 2}] ->
Table[N[1/(2 Sqrt[(2 n - 1) (2 n + 1)])], {n, 1, M - 1}]}, M]];
{bvals, bvecs} = Eigensystem[B];
Zp = Table[Abs[N[1/bvals[[2 p]]]], {p, 1, Np}];
Rp = Table[
N[(Normalize[bvecs[[2 p]]][[1]]/(2 bvals[[2 p]]))^2], {p, 1, Np}];
σ0[θ_, V_, τ0_, Γ_,
Vg_, ϕ_] := σ0[θ, V, τ0, Γ,
Vg, ϕ] =
1/2 - I/(
4 π) (PolyGamma[
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] -
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] -
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)]);
τ[θ_, V_, τ0_, Γ_,
Vg_, ϕ_] := τ[θ, V, τ0, Γ,
Vg, ϕ] = -τ0 n (Cos[n θ + ϕ] -
Cos[n θ]) σ0[θ,
V, τ0, Γ, Vg, ϕ];
σ1[θ_, V_, τ0_, Γ_,
Vg_, ϕ_] := σ1[θ, V, τ0, Γ,
Vg, ϕ] =
1/(8 π^2 Γ)*(PolyGamma[1,
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) - V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 - I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)] +
1/2 + I/(
2 π) (τ0 (Sin[n θ + ϕ] -
Sin[n θ]) + V/2 + Vg) + Γ/(
4 π)]) - \!\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(∑\), \(p =
1\), \(Np\)]\(Rp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)] \((
\*SuperscriptBox[\((τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) - V/2 +
Vg)\), \(2\)] \((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\) -
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(3\)]\),
\*SuperscriptBox[\((\ τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) - V/2 + Vg)\), \(2\)] +
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(2\)])\), \(3\)]] +
\*SuperscriptBox[\((τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) + V/2 +
Vg)\), \(2\)] \((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\) -
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(3\)]\),
\*SuperscriptBox[\((\ τ0 \((Sin[n\ θ + ϕ] - \
Sin[n\ θ])\) + V/2 + Vg)\), \(2\)] +
\*SuperscriptBox[\((Γ/2 +
Zp[\([\)\(p\)\(]\)])\), \(2\)])\), \(3\)]])\)\)\);
Uprime[θ_, τ0_, ϕ_] := τ0 n Cos[n θ];
mol[m_Integer, n_Integer] := {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid", "MaxPoints" -> m,
"MinPoints" -> n}}
τeff =
FunctionInterpolation[-τi n Cos[n θ] + τ[θ,
Vb, τi, Γ,
vg0, ϕ], {θ, -π, π}];
γ =
FunctionInterpolation[(τi n (Cos[n θ + ϕ] -
Cos[n θ]))^2 σ1[θ,
Vb, τi, Γ,
vg0, ϕ], {θ, -π, π}, AccuracyGoal -> 5,
InterpolationPrecision -> MachinePrecision];
Plot[{τeff[θ], γ[θ]}, {θ, -π, \
π}, PlotRange -> All]
a = 0.7;
T = 20;
ωb = -8;
ωt = 8;
θ0 = -π/4;
L = 1;
Clear[τeff, γ]
points@θ = 100; points@ω = 50;
delta@θ = (Pi + Pi)/(points@θ - 1);
delta@ω = (ωt - ωb)/(points@ω - 1);
τefflst =
Function[θ, -τi n Cos[n θ] + τ[θ, Vb, τi, Γ, vg0, ϕ]], points@θ, {-π, π}];
γlst =
Function[θ, (τi n (Cos[n θ + ϕ] - Cos[n θ]))^2 σ1[θ, Vb, τi, Γ, vg0, ϕ]],
points@θ, {-π, π}];
With[{u = u[θ, ω]},
rhs2 = -ω ct@D[u, θ] - 1/L τeff[θ] ct@D[u, ω] +
γ[θ] ct@D[ω u, ω] + γ[θ] fw@D[bw@D[u, ω], ω];
iclst2 = Table[E^(-((ω^2 + (θ + π/4)^2)/(2 a^2)))/(2 π a^2),
{θ, -Pi, Pi, delta@θ}, {ω, ωb, ωt, delta@ω}]];
rt = RescalingTransform[{{-Pi, Pi}, {ωb, ωt}}, {{1, points@θ}, {1, points@ω}}];
rttheta = RescalingTransform[{{-Pi, Pi}}, {{1, points@θ}}];
With[{rc = RuleCondition, cg = Compile`GetElement},
rhsfunc2 = Hold@
Compile[{{u, _Real, 2}, {τeff, _Real, 1}, {γ, _Real, 1}},
Table[rhs2, {θ, -Pi, Pi, delta@θ}, {ω, ωb, ωt, delta@ω}],
RuntimeOptions -> EvaluateSymbolically -> False, CompilationTarget -> C] /.
OwnValues@rhs2 /.
u[theta_, omega_] :>
rc@(cg[u, Mod[#, points@θ - 1, 1], Mod[#2, points@ω - 1, 1]] & @@
Round@rt@{theta, omega}) /. (coef : τeff | γ)[theta_] :>
rc@(cg[coef, First@Round@rttheta@{theta}]) /. DownValues@delta /.
DownValues@points /. Flatten[OwnValues /@ Unevaluated@{ωb, ωt}] //
ReleaseHold // Last];
T = 30;
ulstfunc2 =
NDSolveValue[{u'[t] == rhsfunc2[u[t], τefflst, γlst], u[0] == iclst2},
u, {t, 0, T}, MaxSteps -> Infinity]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {36.177260, Null} *)
lst = Table[
ListPlot3D[ulstfunc2[t]\[Transpose], PlotRange -> All,
DataRange -> {{-Pi, Pi}, {ωb, ωt}}], {t, 0, 5, 1/20}];
There is an error message:
CompiledFunction::rterr: -- Message text not found -- (compiledFunction5) (8)