As noted in the question, when you set an option to a function which appears not to work with SetOptions
the options do get set, e.g. from the question:
InputField[Dynamic[x], Sequence @@ Options[InputField]]
but for whatever reason the global setting does not get used locally by default.
Another interesting case is this:
SetOptions[Grid, Background -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0]]
which returns a list of Grid
options with the new Background
, yet when you do the same with GridBox
SetOptions[GridBox, Background -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0]]
SetOptions::nspt: "SetOptions of GridBox is not supported"
So testing the actual "box form" seems to highlight the problem. In this case GridBox
is not supported for SetOptions
even though Grid
did not return an error. So the following solution is a variation of what was provided to me by tech support. Check
can be used to return something in the case of a SetOptions
Check[SetOptions[GridBox, "a" -> "b"], err, SetOptions::nspt]
SetOptions::nspt: "SetOptions of GridBox is not supported."
First get a list of names:
names = Names["System`*"]
test the names for the SetOptions
list = Quiet[Map[Check[SetOptions[ToExpression[#], "a" -> "b"]; Null, #,
SetOptions::nspt] &, names]];
delete the Null
DeleteCases[list, Null]
So we have a list of 36 types of boxes that cannot be used with SetOptions
, etc. but all these are somewhat special $\endgroup$