A PostScriptForm
1 for Mathematica must recurse over the likes of Plus[…]
. Output should be as follows:
- 9+n: either
9 n add
orn 9 add
- 9-n:
9 n sub
- -9+n:
n 9 sub
- -9-n:
-9 n sub
So for my purposes first step is to find the first item of a list that is neither Times[-1, _]
nor (n_Integer /; n < 0)
. But Position[(9 + n), (Except[Times[-1, _]] && Except[(n_Integer /; n < 0)]), 1, Heads -> False]
returns a grumble: “Except::named: "Named pattern variables are not allowed in the first argument of Except[n_Integer/;n<0]”.
Please, kind experts of Mathematica.StackExchange.com, how could this most naturally be done?
This problem has raised other issues — likely to be my failure to master Mathematica’s object model.
thing = 9 (* Easy peasy *)
MatchQ[thing, (Except[Times[-1, _]])] (* returns True: happiness *)
MatchQ[thing, (Except[_?Negative])] (* also returns True: happiness *)
MatchQ[thing, (Except[Times[-1, _]] && Except[_?Negative])] (* returns False in Mathematica 9.0 (January 24, 2013): why? *)
Guidance would be most welcome. Thank you.
because that is a logical connective (i.e. it joins logical statements that will evaluate toTrue
), where inMatchQ
, you are matching patterns, not finding the expressions where the second argument evaluates toTrue
. $\endgroup$