I have found an html
page clearly created using the Save as HTML
option of Mathematica
. Is there a way to reverse this operation? That is open the html
file with Mathematica
and render it as a nb
file again?
1 Answer
I've created test image with Heike's code from How to create word clouds? and I've posted it... here :):
So let's download it:
pic = Import["https://i.sstatic.net/Ni4Kl.png"];
In case of full html you can use Import[....html, "Images"]
TextRecognize[ImageResize[pic, {Automatic, 1100}]]
Not perfect but it's something. It is String
so after corrections you can convert it to InputForm
You can also play with ImageResize
, I've choosen 1100 because it gives nice output.
I think that the first operation should be
StringReplace[..., {"»?" -> "#", "f?" -> "#", " . " -> "."}]
, by default almost everything important is rasterized so I don't think so. Why not embedded CDF? $\endgroup$