What is the most painless way to sum over n variables, for example, if the range of summation is $i_1 < i_2 < i_3 < \dots < i_n$, where $n$ is an argument of the function in question?
Is there a package for this and more complex summation ranges?
I am not happy with programming loops all the time for this common summation range and if one has a large summation range, one cannot just use a combinat command to generate all subsets of a certain size, if this takes too much memory.
$$f(n)=\sum_{0 < i_1 < i_2 < \dots < i_n < 2n+1} \qquad \prod_{1\le r < s \le n} (i_s-i_r) $$
can sometimes be useful for complicated summations. $\endgroup$