I'm not sure this is an appropriate question; if not, I'm sure someone will close it :)
I've got the following function, listed below; its job is to accept a graph (function) presented either as a single-variable function (e.g., x^2
), or as a parametrized function (e.g. {t Cos[t], t Sin[t]}
) and compute its curvature at some set of values of the variable:
curvature[f_, pts_] := Block[{extvar,var,fn,i,res},
extvar = ReleaseHold[Hold[pts]/.{x_,y__}:>HoldPattern[x]];
fn = ReleaseHold[Hold[f]/.extvar:>var];
If[!ListQ[fn], fn={var,fn}];
res = Table[1/Sqrt[Total[D[fn,var]^2]]/.var->i,
The second parameter is in "Table
" form, and is interpreted as for Table
. The first two lines of the function extract the formal variable used in f
and substitute occurrences of it in f
by a local variable. The third line converts a single-variable function to parametric form. The next line actually does the work, computing the relevant formula over the set of values defined by the second parameter. Finally, if the result is a singleton, it gets converted back to a scalar by the final line of the function.
So for example
curvature[ x^2, {x,3} ]
{1/Sqrt[5], 1/Sqrt[17], 1/Sqrt[37]}
I'm looking for feedback on the way this function is written. For example (but not only), have I properly extracted the formal parameter (x
in the example above) and the function? Is there a better way to evaluate the formula at the values specified by the second parameter? Finally, how about the manipulation in the last line? Any other feedback is welcome as well.