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ydd's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
15 votes

Closed form of an integral using Mathematica or otherwise

10 votes

Create sublists whose totals exceed a certain threshold and that are as short as possible

10 votes

Solving a polynomial via NSolve

10 votes

Gradient fill on the top surface of an annulus

8 votes

Select from list elements greater than next element

8 votes

Smooth a list of integer values

8 votes

Calculating integral with exponential function and parameter

8 votes

How can I automatically perform Buffalo Way replacement?

7 votes

`Drop` for list of elements of different dimensions

7 votes

How to make the same color scale range for all plots?

7 votes

How to blur a line gradually

7 votes

Cluster defects in microscope image

7 votes

Table with a sequence:

7 votes

How can I change the data arrangement in a list?

6 votes

Make a list of the first 100 primes, keeping only ones whose last digit is less than 3

6 votes

Highlight parts of two different curves

6 votes

Most common sublist occurance in a list of lists

6 votes

Efficient way for writing -1 <= X[i,j] <=1

6 votes

How can I select four points on a sphere to make a regular tetrahedron so that its coordinates are integer numbers?

6 votes

Find a maximum $k$-colorable subgraph

6 votes

Function to replace values of elements of matrix with 0 unless the value is -1

6 votes

Restrict sorting to a certain range

6 votes

How can I round a TimeObject according to a certain interval

6 votes

Convert black and white pictures into color images

6 votes

Ignore higher order terms in an expression

6 votes

Voronoi mesh of a circular image

6 votes

How to select a root to FindRoot to define an implicit function?

6 votes

Finding the asymptotic rate of growth of a table of values

5 votes

How can I combine a selections of video frames into a composite using Mathematica?

5 votes

How to plot the elements of a matrix in {x,y,z} coordinates?