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Markhaim's user avatar
Markhaim's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Russia
3 votes

Replacing elements of a list

2 votes

Cannot plot two graphics together

2 votes

More space between the ordinate axis ans plot labels

7 votes

Langton's ant algorithm using AnglePath

0 votes

Is there an issue with the correlation function?

10 votes

What's the most efficient way to draw this region?

3 votes

Approximating the density of $S\cap[a,b]$ using a Folner Sequence of $A$, where $S \subseteq A$?

1 vote

How can I hide the controllers in ListAnimate?

1 vote

Exporting and then importing .dat file elsewhere, then plotting the data

2 votes

How to rotate a lattice points about an arbitrary axis

2 votes

Plotting of simple but long expression takes too long time

2 votes

Inverting series with symbolic coefficients?

2 votes

How to solve this ODE by DSolve or NDSolve?

1 vote

Export list of numbers as one line to a text file

4 votes

Thread a list of replacement rules into a list

9 votes

Making ^ work as MatrixPower for matrices

2 votes

Methods for ListPlot3D

1 vote

Is it possible to fit such a large range plot in mathematica?