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7 votes

How to generate Pink Noise using Mathematica 8

Mathematica 8 does not have AudioGenerator, but you can implement your own pink noise function. I looked up how to do this, and the simplest way seems to be the ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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6 votes

SSL errors when using URLFetch or URLSave in versions 8 or 9

As explained by ilian in his comment to my question, one can work around these issues in the following way Mathematica 8 You need to switch to a different version of Java as the one used in ...
vsht's user avatar
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SSL errors when using URLFetch or URLSave in versions 8 or 9

Just an addendum for Mathematica 9 on Windows and Linux (Mac should already work). The problem can be resolved by installing an updated version of the HTTPClient ...
ilian's user avatar
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2 votes

How to generate Pink Noise using Mathematica 8

AudioData was introduced with version 11.0, so it won't work with Mathematica 8.
Henrik Schumacher's user avatar
1 vote

Variable initial condn NDSolve with earlier version

It would be better to portray both solutions. Using DSolve, we construct two functions (for each branch of the solution) ...
Alex Trounev's user avatar
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Problem when defining a function as a finite sum

It looks like the symbolic sum is computed wrong: ...
Michael E2's user avatar
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Problem when defining a function as a finite sum

Well, you can read in the documentation that "NSum first localizes the values of all variables, then evaluates f with the variables being symbolic, and then repeatedly evaluates the result numerically"...
José Antonio Díaz Navas's user avatar
1 vote

Must Run Cell Twice to Display Values

I reproduce the problem with version 8.0.4 on Windows 7 x64. The problem doesn't appear with versions 9.0.1, 10.0.1 and 11.2.0 on the same machine so it seems to be a bug that was fixed in version 9. ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
1 vote

Break[] inside ColorFunction

Fixed in V13.0.0 $Version 13.0.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) ...
bmf's user avatar
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